Ancre: (preliminaries) Armed Longboat 1834 Monograph 1/36


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Aug 21, 2011

Madison, MS
I just ordered the Monograph from Ancre on June 4th and will arrive approximately one month or maybe a little less. When the book and materials arrive, I shall resume or start this log fresh with as many details as I can give. My main selection of wood most likely Pear. The purpose of posting now if mostly for preliminary posts and observations. When Build Log actually starts, I might consider starting a fresh page. I appreciate everyone's input so far.

From the website the info is as follows:
Gérard Delacroix describes in 40 pages and 52 color photos his construction method for modeling beginners who may only have simple tools.
Provided with six 1/36-scale plates of drawings.
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I Just ordered the:

I had to choose the medium cost shipping plan as I could not afford the highest.
Very good and I am happy to hear, that you decided to order the planset from ancre.
Did you order it in the original scale of 1:36 or in bigger scale (1:24 or even 1:18)?

BTW: The author of this monographie is our member Gérard @G. DELACROIX

Hello Uwe,
The original scale 1/36 is established for English so it will be 37 cm long, 10cm beam.

I am happy with that dimension. I am exited to try my first scratch from Ancre.
I am also exited that you approve of my project I decide on.

Yes, this is all rather new to me, and yes, this is a pure scratch build project. The company sells books and what is called monographs which is a term I have to admit that I am not too familiar with. When you order a monograph from ancre, the book has somewhat of a log of how to build the project along with "plates" or plans on the construction.

I chose this project as it would be somewhat of a short term project and should not be too difficult. From the plans and book, I should be able to order all of my wood stock accordingly. I am not sure if the book and plans have a Bill of Materials, but I will see when the material arrives.

I am fond of surprises myself and eagerly wait for the materials to arrive.
For everybody interested take also a look at the area "Plans, Plansets and Monographies" you will find a bigger number of Planset-Reviews published by ancre, the publisher Donnie mentioned - highly recommended

Brilliant Donnie,I am keen to follow along.I am only on my first true scratch build and you may find like I did that it draws you in like a vacuum.I am enjoying it immensely and to be honest,whilst it is probably the most complicated project I could have picked regarding frame design,it is actually more straight forward than some of the kit bashing I have done in the past.The only mistakes you rectify are your own,not some kit designers.

Kind Regards

I agree with Nigel. A POF-scratchbuild is very satisfying and with every piece grow up your skill.
But the errors from the planset are a factor. As well the technical interpretation from any details.
Not every line is correct, not every shown fact is/was true. You have to check and messure every important part before you
turn on the milling machine. But this type of dedectivegames are part of the game and give as well fun.
Donnie, Karl, alias @Jeranimo has his own website where he shows buildings of this model picture for picture, bdw, you also bought the rig plans.
Thank you guys for your support. I really will not know how to answer any questions until the materials come in. Thank you for the link to Jeranimo - when I get more time, I will look.
It is Karl alias @Jeronimo with "o" and not "a" -> I guess that he will be happy also to help and assist when ever necessary
Thank you all for the additional info, but I must proceed at my own pace. It is often too easy for me to compare myself with others that produce better than I. At some point when I get to the area I need help with, I can view Jeronimo build log. I already feel very apprehensive about even posting the log here as now. Seeing others' masters work often makes me seem insignificant and it better for me to muddle on this on my own until I get to a problem.
I feel now that I should have ordered the 1/24 plan set, but I am a little confused about how to operate the ANCRE site. I ordered the Anglias (english version) at 1/36, but then the order page also says 1/24 or 1/18 (??) so, I did not know if these were in English and I did not know how to order the 1/24 as the selection only allow for one selection at at time. After I enter the English version into the cart, was I supposed to go back again and enter the 1/24 plan set in the cart too? To me, the selections should be English 1/36, English w 1/24, and English w 1/18 planset. This way, it is very clear as to which planset and book I get. I do not mean to be critical, I am just not familiar with the scheme of web of the french site and mechanism of ordering from them.
Donnie, I also had some problems with ordering, rigging and plans for 1/24 or 1/18, must be purchased in addition to 1/36.
When I ordered the item I received an email from ANCRE asking if the rig plan should be 1/24 since I had ordered extra plans in 1/24.
On the ANCRE website you cannot select scale at rig plans.
So, now I have plans for 1/36 + 1/24 and rig plans 1/24.
That is my experience.
Greetings Knut-