Belle Poule 1780 by Donnie

SUGGESTION: My suggestion is NOT to install Frame #1 on both sides as this will allow the installation (positioning) of the Plastic Bow piece later on much easier.

Thank you all for the compliments and likes - they are appreciated. I have some more frames made and here they are:

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The latest - more frames. The second image shows that including the last frame #58 still points in the same direction with "b" facing towards the stern. In other words, ALL frames ("b" SIDES" will face the same from Bow to Stern)

It is VERY important to continue to make sure that the parts you are assembling (Left and Right) as printed on the Lazser cut sheet, are installed in the correct Left and Right positions.

On my workbench, I have all the LEFT Lazer parts on the left side of the bench and all the RIGHT Lazer parts on the right side of the bench. It is very easy for me to get distracted and this is the only way I can keep track of the parts. [see post #30]


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I have always liked the look of this ship and the kit looks really good. so I am going to join the others and watch your build progress with lots of interest Donnie.
Thank you all for the compliments. So, far, I have not had to use an Exacto knife to get the parts out - that is a major blessing. The parts just almost fall out. It is because the "Sprues" - a small segment holding the part in the laser cut out around the edges of the part or along straight lines is so finely cut and very thin.