Black Pearl - Zhl 1:50 by Vfordyce [COMPLETED BUILD]

Anyone know what this little gadget is? I thought it was a stove. It goes just in front of the wheel on the deck. The Admiral thinks it’s some kind of desk.
Vic, it is a binnacle: cabinet for navigation devices such as the compass. It does missing a ventilation cap to ventilate the light, and I think there is a marks for that on your photo.
The binnacle should be placed in front of the steering wheel. Check the below photo with arrows. Your kit might have something for the vent in the middle


Vic, don't bother too much. BP is a fantasy ship, everything there possible. But to confirm the weirdness see below:

A binnacle is a waist-high case or stand on the deck of a ship, generally mounted in front of the helmsman, in which navigational instruments are placed for easy and quick reference as well as to protect the delicate instruments. Its traditional purpose was to hold the ship's magnetic compass, mounted in gimbals to keep it level while the ship pitched and rolled. A binnacle may be subdivided into sections and its contents typically include one or more compasses and an oil lamp or other light source. Other devices such as a sand timer for estimating speed may have been stored in the binnacle as well.
Vic, don't bother too much. BP is a fantasy ship, everything there possible. But to confirm the weirdness see below:

A binnacle is a waist-high case or stand on the deck of a ship, generally mounted in front of the helmsman, in which navigational instruments are placed for easy and quick reference as well as to protect the delicate instruments. Its traditional purpose was to hold the ship's magnetic compass, mounted in gimbals to keep it level while the ship pitched and rolled. A binnacle may be subdivided into sections and its contents typically include one or more compasses and an oil lamp or other light source. Other devices such as a sand timer for estimating speed may have been stored in the binnacle as well.
I suppose he can stand beside the wheel instead of behind.
Thanks, brother. They aren’t as nice as I would have liked, but better than expected. I had to use copper pins to keep them in place for the glue to dry. Next time I would put on the top rail before the spindles were dry so I could move the tops of the spindles to engage the rail better. I wound up using wood putty to fix mistakes. I’m glad they are done.
I was having trouble finding when to add the wales. I figured it had to be before I started on the prow. I was trying to figure out how to bend the wales the right amount. I soaked and bent them with a hot iron. It didn’t bend it perfectly, but it was close. So how do I keep it in place while i glue it? I drill holes into the board and hull and stick a copper wire in them temporarily while the glue dries and then I can bend it slightly as I go. EE6DAFC2-C808-4B25-8A4F-DDEBAE807D62.jpeg
I love the binnacle. I shouldn't say this of a "blood and thunder" pirate ship, but that binnacle is just too cute for words!:D