Black Pearl - Zhl 1:50 by Vfordyce [COMPLETED BUILD]

Seems Vic is having some wood control issues .... Hahahaha

I didnt think you are supposed to bend planks up or down but just allow them to follow the hull naturally,
unless this is something specific with the BP????
Seems Vic is having some wood control issues .... Hahahaha

I didnt think you are supposed to bend planks up or down but just allow them to follow the hull naturally,
unless this is something specific with the BP????
The top of the hull has a large curve and the decks are curved as well. A cannon ball would roll back and forth like those balls on strings that smack each other and go back and forth interminably. I resorted to Jodie’s method of making shorter planks. I also found I could bend them a bit vertically using titebond and an iron. My first experience with second layer. They have to be spot on if I don’t paint over them. I have gotten better after finding an old iron. Just don’t tell the Admiral. She might get the idea of me ironing my own laundry!
@ClairG I don't believe for one bit in this story of allowing planks to lie naturally. They ain't got a mother ... they ain't got a father ... they gotta do what you want them to do! ROTF That's why there's water, heat and sheer bravery!!!