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Kit review BLUENOSE SCHOONER POF MODEL -1:72 – YuanQing Models

Dear all. I go to bed early to catch some much-needed sleep and I miss all of what transpires. So let me comment.

@Dave Stevens (Lumberyard) Thank you Dave for going to the trouble of clarifying the POB / POF issue. For those unsure of what that means - and there seems to be a number of people who do not know - clarification. POB = Plank on Bulkhead / POF = Plank on Frame.

@zoly99sask Thank you Zoly for re-posting the post with regards to the clearance of the kit by the Bluenose company and thank you @Dave Stevens (Lumberyard) Dave for all the trouble you went to, obtaining it.

@marter1229 Thank you for the kind words, Terry. It was - and still is - a pleasure.

@teleman Hello Mario. If you repost the same post on MSW that you posted above, then I am all in agreement with your statement. Of course anyone can run their site the way they way want to. Of course it is not right to bad-mouth other people if you disagree with them. But is it OK to spread lies about others? Is it OK to appoint someone simply to monitor all posts on Bluenose for the purpose of reporting on them?

@Donnie Thank you for your comment, Donnie. Unbeknown to most members, there has been a ton of communication between the moderators and myself on Bluenose - and each and everyone - has been superb! I thank you for that.

@robertjejan Dear Robert.. I deal with facts and facts only. YuanQing manufactured their first model in 2006. I aligned myself with Bluenose and them a little more than a month ago. From the outset, I made it pertinently clear that I am involved with Bluenose and Bluenose only as well as all future models that they want me to be involved with. As such they have already asked me to be involved with their next model. My condition: A never-modelled before subject.

So with regards to FACT. Let's keep the topic on Bluenose please. We have created a family atmosphere in this group. The members who have ordered the kit have all done so because it is their preference and choice. The discussions should about new members wanting to join the family and any news on the kit itself.
The lettering and floral decorations.View attachment 194032
Dear all. I go to bed early to catch some much-needed sleep and I miss all of what transpires. So let me comment.

@Dave Stevens (Lumberyard) Thank you Dave for going to the trouble of clarifying the POB / POF issue. For those unsure of what that means - and there seems to be a number of people who do not know - clarification. POB = Plank on Bulkhead / POF = Plank on Frame.

@zoly99sask Thank you Zoly for re-posting the post with regards to the clearance of the kit by the Bluenose company and thank you @Dave Stevens (Lumberyard) Dave for all the trouble you went to, obtaining it.

@marter1229 Thank you for the kind words, Terry. It was - and still is - a pleasure.

@teleman Hello Mario. If you repost the same post on MSW that you posted above, then I am all in agreement with your statement. Of course anyone can run their site the way they way want to. Of course it is not right to bad-mouth other people if you disagree with them. But is it OK to spread lies about others? Is it OK to appoint someone simply to monitor all posts on Bluenose for the purpose of reporting on them?

@Donnie Thank you for your comment, Donnie. Unbeknown to most members, there has been a ton of communication between the moderators and myself on Bluenose - and each and everyone - has been superb! I thank you for that.

@robertjejan Dear Robert.. I deal with facts and facts only. YuanQing manufactured their first model in 2006. I aligned myself with Bluenose and them a little more than a month ago. From the outset, I made it pertinently clear that I am involved with Bluenose and Bluenose only as well as all future models that they want me to be involved with. As such they have already asked me to be involved with their next model. My condition: A never-modelled before subject.

So with regards to FACT. Let's keep the topic on Bluenose please. We have created a family atmosphere in this group. The members who have ordered the kit have all done so because it is their preference and choice. The discussions should about new members wanting to join the family and any news on the kit itself.
Thank you for this concise summary. Keeping our eyes to windward as the wake is behind and we are moving foreward. Rich (PT-2)
I just couldn't resist another shot of that fabulous stern! :D

View attachment 194269
I neglected to give you a shot from the starboard side - so here it is!
Hello Heinrich, Yes you are correct on that one, Seams that we can never get enough of this Great Ship. Again I thank you for your team work in arriving at the best possible solution for the Stern name on the Bluenose. It sure looks wonderful and very fitting for such a great ship. Thank You Very Much, WELL DONE.
Regards Lawrence
Magnifique. Good job
Hello SylvainBL, Welcome aboard on the Great Interdiction of the Great Ship the Bluenose, Heinrich and his crew have done a great job on this and also correcting a few points that were not correct. I do hope that you will be buying a copy of this great ship and also posting your build log here on the great and informative Ships Of Scale build Form. You could not have made a better choice on your selection . I built the Bluenose II many years ago, a kit from Artesania Latina, scale 1:75. I did enjoy this build very much, my first and I made a lot of mistakes but not nearly as many as were in the kit it's self, Again this was a gift from my Admiral Bernadette, she knows the things that I love and the Bluenose was one of these. Heinrich and his crew have corrected all of these AL mistakes and has enhanced this new kit in many ways, so it will be a joy to build.
Regards Lawrence
Hello Heinrich, I can hardly contain my self with all of this impatient of waiting for this great kit by YungQing of the great ship the Bluenose, it will be nice to correct all of those mistakes that were made in the Bluenose II, by AL, This new Bluenose Kit sure will put the Bluenose Kit by AL to shame.
Regards Lawrence
Hello Heinrich, I can hardly contain my self with all of this impatient of waiting for this great kit by YungQing of the great ship the Bluenose, it will be nice to correct all of those mistakes that were made in the Bluenose II, by AL, This new Bluenose Kit sure will put the Bluenose Kit by AL to shame.
Regards Lawrence
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After a careful review of your examination of the kit and wonderful paintings annotated by the Bluenose ballad it stirs my heart and soul in feeling the strain of the lines and sails trying to put myself in perspective at the wheel looking windward and forward along such a long and narrow greyhound of the Atlantic whether fishing or racing. It is a vision that I cannot get out of my mind and anticipation of this model so different than my present MS2130 but enhancing it from another build perspective. I only hope that with my early and growing skills I will be able to do it justice. Thank you. Rich (PT-2) The wordy philosophical crew member.
O, merciful heavens, Rich! Methinks thou waxest poetic!
From the good critique of how to get the transom name onto the transom between the main and monkey rails, from the old photos it appears as it was consistently painted and not carved in or with raised letters. It is hard for me to envision how to tightly wrap and set a stencil there to avoid paint bleed-out underneath. It seems that we are still looking for a good solution unless we can shrink a sign painter who is skilled in lettering and emblems. A related problem remains for the bow name but on that surface it seems more easily solved. Still considering the options and probably a solution will emerge as the actual build is at that point of finishing. If a decal material could be used in a matt finish and not the glossy it would sit back better. Perhaps finishing this part of the hull with overcoats of a matt clear finish, or semi-gloss as the builder desires would work. Which would possibly not work with an oiled finish of the Pear wood. Other ideas?? Rich (PT-2)
Maybe the letters could be lightly laser-etched onto the transom where one could paint between the lines? Vic
In case you guys missed it: You spoke ... I listened ... and our moderators created!


A big thank you to all the moderators - but in particular to @zoly99sask Zoly who worked hard to create it. And of course a big thank you to all of you - our family members who created the demand in the first place!