Buccaneer by Occre - Second Build

One of the keys is to first line out all the strakes of planking on each bulkhead so each strake lands in the rabbet, not another strake. This has been brought up a few times lately on other builds. Every plank needs to be tapered from the dead flat to the stem. With precut strips this means some work to narrow the planks the proper amount. The stern planking is not as difficult but the planks actually widen in many cases which you cannot do with precut strips. Drop strakes can take care to fill the empty spaces. There are a number of planking discussions and tutorials that are worth watching, including the four part You Tube video. Part 1 can be seen at

Also note that the wales, which should land inside the rabbet, need to be tapered in thickness near the bow in order to seat in the rabbet like the surrounding planking.
When I have a look into that document I think I'm already wrong, my first plank looks much more like the incorrect side.
You are correct. Every plank should seat in the rabbet. Did you try the techniques in the four part video including marking off the breadth of the strakes at each bulkhead before attempting to taper and follow up by pre-bending the planking? This problem is addressed in a number of build logs here at SoS.
In addition to Allans information please also take also a look at this topic, which will also help and clarify several things with planking
