Another little items are the "Fire Buckets".
In this picture you can see two sets of four buckes on each side of the Wherry.on the second picture you could see another arrangement, this time are twp set of 4 buckets but tuck under the wherry.

This is how I built my buckets;
I started with 9/32" aluminum tubing.

Insert them on one of my wire pliers and slowly turning and pushing the tube to the end of the pliers to make a bucket top shape.
After a few try and miss, I also use a wider cone shape tip tool to finally get what I was lookig for.

Then I draw the shape of the handle and proceed to cut them all.
This is the final product...not to bad right?

I also made the cratles just like the picture above of the original subchasrer.

Actualy at the end I reshape the cratle to look like this.
The sand insede the buckets are made with (baby pigeons food), Yes
and white glue.

In this picture you can see two sets of four buckes on each side of the Wherry.on the second picture you could see another arrangement, this time are twp set of 4 buckets but tuck under the wherry.

This is how I built my buckets;
I started with 9/32" aluminum tubing.

Insert them on one of my wire pliers and slowly turning and pushing the tube to the end of the pliers to make a bucket top shape.
After a few try and miss, I also use a wider cone shape tip tool to finally get what I was lookig for.

Then I draw the shape of the handle and proceed to cut them all.
This is the final product...not to bad right?

I also made the cratles just like the picture above of the original subchasrer.

Actualy at the end I reshape the cratle to look like this.
The sand insede the buckets are made with (baby pigeons food), Yes