Caldercraft HMS Diana

JuHu - one of my favourite Jotika / Caldercraft kits
and she was a beautifull vessel

BTW: Maybe helpful for some research etc. - here you can find a lot of contemporary drawings of the Artois class

You are so fortunate to have chosen a ship for which there are eight contemporary plans seven of which are high resolution, on the WikiCommons site. There is also a low res planking expansion drawing that would apply to Diana and the rest of the Artois class ships which is rare.
the most beautiful guns I've ever seen
The quality indeed look nice. As Diana was built in 1794 for the long guns would Blomefield pattern guns be more appropriate? The ones in the kit look very similar to Borgard pattern guns (1716-1724)?

Looking forward to your build log, thank you very much for sharing

At this moment I'm studying the plans and manuals..
Hi Marc
I for one will be curious to see how you find the plans compare to the original ones during your study. If you have not yet seen them the Diana original plans (Artois class) can be found at,_1794) If they do not come up they are on pages 4 and 5 of the following for free download. Will you be using the AoS book on the Diana as a reference as well? David White did a great job on this book and it is useful to anyone building the HMS Diana be it scratch or kit.
Looking forward to your work
Hi Allen,
To be honest, the included plans (in the Kit) are rather poor. My opinion of course.
So I also looked at the pictures on the links you provided (and thank you very much for that). They are certainly a clarification.

But as often it is a puzzle.
I found an interesting log of the Diana:

To be continued... :)
Hi Marc
Great to see your new project I will be following your progress making notes for when I start mine.
Hey Tony,

Aan honor for me!
I already see some serious challenges such as creating the gun ports. There is no special method provided in the kit other than drilling holes and tinkering until you get a nice gun port... I am considering making a frame like in the Con.
So how to find an accurate method for this...