Hi Donnie
I will start the discusion
Carving, a "simple" word, - but there are standing a lot of things behind, especialy for modelbuilders.
One of the problems is the question can we trust our eyes what the see, or belive to see.
I know this problem from different meetings with model ship builders and the the talks about Figureheads
Quarterpices, Taffrail decoration and so on. The next is the stile in the 17th. an 18th. Century the stile of
Baroque . How the figures and decoration elements looks like? How can I use original drawings ?
Is it possible to make correct drawings of decoration from van deVelde drawings or paintings of art,
for carving figures gunport wreats and so on.
Make it sense in smal scales to working out all details?
The next is the developement of the ships in the 17th. and 18th. Century. The decoration changed between the
periods of time.
Questions, questions, questions.
I will try to give answers and start whit my carving of the Stuart coat of arms 1675