Cazador Xebec - OcCre 1:60 [COMPLETED BUILD]

I sanded the main deck with 2000 grit to make sure not to go through the’s a bit lighter now and has a nice mat finish.
I faired the hull after putting on the support boards under the lower deck.
Anyway, time to move on to the next step...the upper deck and supports for that.
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Upper deck glued on, same as lower deck. I soaked in scalding hot water for about 5 minutes to make it more pliable. Then glued and nailed and counter sunk nails with punch. I think being damp at gluing, gives you more drying time to allow for the nails to be put in prior to the glue setting up on you too fast.
First pic is of ship turned over to add extra glue along the bulkheads to upper deck. Didn’t go to outside edge because I had to glue in support boards at the edge next. These you glue with a overhang and sand flush to bulkheads. They are added area for the bulwarks to glue to. But I added more glue afterwards to the outside of the bulkheads.
Then I planked the rear bulkhead at the stern. Pencil edged boards on that.
Next I will plank the upper deck, then do all trimming and final sanding, including the rear bulkhead...which has cutouts.
See you then...
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Was in Marseille France in 1976 saw one Chebec ship in the arbour (in bad shape in need a lots of love) that was an exhibit to a small local museum now close I wonder what happen to that ship?

Anyway that is one reason I am so interested with your build
Upper deck stained and finished. If I wasn’t going for a weathered look, I would have used pre-stain because these boards have a lot of variance in color. But I come back with steel wool and 2000 grit sandpaper to give a weathered look and matt finish.
Next I have to bend and install the bulwarks.
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Today was a good day...I glued on the upper and lower bulwarks...glued in the keel at the bow to attach the bulwarks to.
The instructions say to line the inside of the bulwarks with thin planks prior to bending and installation.
I chose not to put them on at this stage because I have a problem with the thin planks being sandwiched between my bulwarks and bulkheads. I chose to glue and nail the bulwarks directly to the frame and to line the inside of the bulwarks later with the thin planks.
Makes more sense to me in a few ways, only planking what is above the deck...and it’s more structurally sound IMO due to not have anything between the bulwarks and frames.
Also they say to put on the keel after planking the hull...I decided I wanted to put it on now, especially to tie the bulwarks to the keel at the bow.
Anyway, everything laid down nicely against the bulkheads at the stern, and at the bow. One side is a tad higher at the bow, but I will trim the bottom on the lower side before I plank to keep everything symmetrical.
Once again I soaked the boards in hot water and nailed and punched the nails below the surface. No need for clamps of any kind due to nails working well.
Next I will trim and sand everything once the glue dries. I’m not sure if I want to start the first planking of the hull or line the inside of the bulwarks first?
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Started lining the inside of the bulwarks with planks. I sanded and test fitted one of the knees. Have to match angles on sides and bottom to get a tight fit. Both knees will be stained a dark walnut color.
Now to cut out gun port holes and sand. Then I’m moving to the lower deck.
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