Cazador Xebec - OcCre 1:60 [COMPLETED BUILD]

That planking looks very nice !!!.

Thanks, I actually rushed it since it is just the first layer. But I can't get careless or it will create more work! I figured the taper to the bow and kept full width at the stern to keep from having to use stealers, but now I think need to start tapering at the stern too. I need to slow down and measure before I start again!
Dean that part of the planking looks very good. Now pause for a moment and start planking from the keel up. That way - if there is a slight difference in width of planks at the end, you will only end up with one difficult plank. That would also give you good practice for the final layer. The more perfect the first layer is, the more perfect the final one - so take your time.
Finished the first plank on one side. Started doing some sanding.
Happy with the stern, not so happy with the bow. I had some clinkers going on, and I even bent the boards downward laterally first, but I think I messed up by not setting that bend with the hair dryer before doing the bend from the top view. I think the second bend took some of the first bend out. They have to be bent in two directions to lay flat without spilling.
So it seems I need more practice and more patience. That’s what the other side is
Extension on the upper bulwarks broke during planking ...sigh. Glued on and will have to be very careful in the future not to break again. I am tempted to go ahead and build that upper section to strengthen it.
Anyway...I will get to see if I can get a smooth bow without clinkers on the other side. Will need some filler on the bow on this side.
I hope to be able to plank where I don’t need wood of these days!!!
Oh yeah, not worried about sanding keel...going to paint black after second planking is finished.
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I think I messed up by not setting that bend with the hair dryer before doing the bend from the top view.

Once again, I can strongly recommend the Kolderstok plank bender. Any other device just does not work as effectively.
Dean just send Hans (@Kolderstok ) a PM. He is a member on SOS. He will set you right in no time!
Just a word of caution before you will order. The Hans bender tool is 220v of current. Unless you have 220 volts outlets, you would need to get a 'step up' transformer (expensive). If possible, to get just an attachment (the bending head), then you can mount it to a soldering iron with 110 volts (USA). Obviously, you will need to get the size of the bending head insert.
Hans actually sells just the heads as well. So no problem to use a local soldering iron. When you contact Hans, he would have told you all about the 110V/220V issue, that was why I did not mention it.
Taking a break from glue and wood dust to do some painting.
I dry brushed 3 layers, starting with aged copper, then aged gold and finally classic gold. I put that over a black base color for depth.
Not sure how well it will show up in pics?
But they are done and ready to be put away until it’s time to glue them on. They will go on the black area of the ship.
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Just a word of caution before you will order. The Hans bender tool is 220v of current. Unless you have 220 volts outlets, you would need to get a 'step up' transformer (expensive). If possible, to get just an attachment (the bending head), then you can mount it to a soldering iron with 110 volts (USA). Obviously, you will need to get the size of the bending head insert.
All correct what Jimsky says here. The Kolderstok plank bender is a very helpfull device - but originally designed for the European market and every other country which uses 230 Volts. But as Heinrich said: I can sell the two heads of this plank bender separately, and you have to buy a 30 Watt, 110 Volts soldering iron locally with a 4-6 mm shaft.
If interested - please send me a PM.

Kind regards,
Painted the wall for the upper is made of a laser cut ply and you glue on the metal casting. Dry brushed the gold...painted the background black.

Problem - pre cut ply didn’t match curve of deck exactly, to be expected and I corrected, but the curve on the casting was way off! So I did a lot of filing to get it to match the wood piece. Now it’s ready when it’s time to glue on and add side boards and upper railing.1DCDF6F1-ADFC-4E81-BDD9-E38512F7E77B.jpeg
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