Cazador Xebec - OcCre 1:60 [COMPLETED BUILD]

I finished sanding and prepping the first layer of planking on the hull.
Now I am adding the boards to the transom prior to starting the second layer of the hull. I have to trim the boards and sand flush once I get all of them on. Then it’s on to the hull, which will be as tedious as the deck.
Also, note the areas that have a yellowish tint from wood glue. Being the first layer of planking, I just put wood glue on with a brush in any areas that the boards were not glued to each other well, which you will know because there will be movement. If a board can move up and down, due to not being glued to the adjacent boards well enough, it will never level! That is because when you sand it and put pressure on the board, it will push the board down level with the adjacent boards and when you stop sanding it will move back up, and still remain higher. If you chase this without gluing it, you will become frustrated quickly and will end up sanding too much off the adjacent boards. So if you have a board that moves, glue it and then sand. Also this will help fill in between boards.
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Started adding a few parts to the the knees at the rear bulkhead and some parts on the bow.
I hate the way the ply looks...even stained dark it is striped...sigh! I may have to add a veneer on it. I am painting the keel black. They really should make those pieces out of solid wood.
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That decoration is cast ?
Protect the paint with a varnish to avoid scratch (happen to me)
Hope the curve on it is good got problem on my Corel build:(
That decoration is cast ?
Protect the paint with a varnish to avoid scratch (happen to me)
Hope the curve on it is good got problem on my Corel build:(
Yes it is cast and the curve was too small! I had to glue to the wood piece that I sanded to have the correct radius curve for the deck, and I filed the casting to match! A lot of filing...there was a pile of metal!
And I put a clear semi gloss polyurethane over it and the wood.
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Finished planking the transom in the sapele I can start hull finally!
Took pic of current progress of boat.
The sapele is a thin veneer, but very brittle and you have to use new xacto blades and be careful or it will chip or break easy! And I have to plank the hull with this stuff...sigh!
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Well...just like planking the decks...hull planking is a lot of work. Many boards and a lot of time required. I am making progress slowly but surely. I hope to get one side done and then the other will most likely go quicker due to experience.
I am dealing with some uneven widths and brittle boards (due to being a hardwood veneer). And some tapering and custom fitting will ensue as well. I am taking great care to make sure there are no gaps. But overall I think it’s going to look very nice with some clear, and I am painting the keel and railings black.
Anyway pic attached of current progress...
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Ok...after putting some long hours in, I have the sapele on one side done and starting the lighter wood above it. I have to cut out all those cannon doors again...sigh!
Then I get to do it all over again on the other
It’s not perfect, but I am very happy with it! Anyway here is some pics...

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