Well thats me at present, I had mishap after mishad working on Nina today. Most fixable but one huge blunder will most likely
cause me to have to remake the main deck. Ya see it had a little bow on the sides from staining I think, curled upwards like. So
brainiac me grabs the Admirals iron, fills it with water and plugs it in. The idea worked great, it smoothed it right out BUT I left
the iron on it for weight and I really shoulda known better. The heat didnt bother it but since I neglected to turn off the steam
all the water came out soaking the deck, counter, and floor.I didn't know until the oldest son asked why the floor is all wet.
Suffice to say while it is flattened out it's also coming apart.
I'll have to look tomorrow and see if it can be salvaged or if I should start anew.......
And since you all like pics, I didn't take any but I will give you this, it fits my personality: