G'day pathfinder
Ive got a few question for you. Did you bend the 2nd planks before you put them on the hull. If you did, how did you do it?
Did you WET the planks first before bending. If you did, was the planks still wet?
There are many more thing I must know before I can tell why they are not sticking. These are a few of the main ones.
I hope either I or someone can help you, I know this is very frustrating for you. You have to remember, we all have gone through these nightmares, but we are still here. Hope that your answer to this question will come very soon for you.
G'day pathfinder
Hmmmm, I can see what you are trying to do, but your method is not exactly correct.
Looking at the 2nd planking material, I guess it's about 1mm or .8mm thick.
Working on this assumption, I would say that you have to bend the plank to match the curvature BEFORE even he try to glue it.
BTW what glue are you using to glue the planks. Some glue don't like moisture and the damp rag might be enough to cause the problem.
Do you have a soldering iron? If so, place the handle in a vice, and only use the HOT casing of the iron, NOT the tip. Get some 2nd planks and slowly heat up the area that needs bending and press down until it bends.
View attachment 37862
OR If you have a steam iron you can use it also. The above photos shows how the planks should be before glueing.
I would use either contact adhesive or CA (superglue) glues. NOT PVA in any circumstance.
Hope this will help you
Havagooday and happymodeling
Hi Greg,
I’ve tried the soldering iron plank bending. It took some experimenting but I did manage to get some good bends.
I didn’t try the steam iron method. There were a lot of objections from SWMBO when I asked to use hers.
Hi Greg,
Yes indeed SWMBO is my wife. (SWMBO = She Who Must Be Obeyed)
Is the wattage of the soldering iron important?
2nd planking on Hull is done. Some filling and sanding is required to finish up. It was quite the learning process, future builds will benefit from all the false starts and mistakes. Overall I’m satisfied with my first endeavor.
2nd planking on Hull is done. Some filling and sanding is required to finish up. It was quite the learning process, future builds will benefit from all the false starts and mistakes. Overall I’m satisfied with my first endeavor.
View attachment 38435
Have you tried Making a large template for the outboard side of the hull and see if it matches your inboard template?
Good luck.