Corona Virus???

I'm still trying to figure out what the big to do is on buying so much toilet paper around the world. How many times can a person possibly go to the bathroom in the run of a day? o_O
Buonasera a tutti, io abito vicino alla zona rossa in Lombardia (Italy )
Abbiamo tanto tempo da dedicare al modellismo navale, a causa del Corona Virus 19.
Siamo sempre in casa, non possiamo uscire, se non per fare 4 passi vicino casa
La situazione è molto critica, per andare a fare la spesa bisogna mettere guanti in lattice , mascherine chirurgiche e tenere la distanza minima di 1 metro da una persona all'altra.
Ogni giorno muoiono da un minmo di 100 a 250 persone nelle zone rosse ( Lombardia e Veneto )
Abbiamo tutti paura di essere contagiati.
Credetemi si vive molto male.
Le maggior parte delle persone che muoiono hanno tra gli 80 e 85 anni
Ma anche tra i 70 e 80 anni
E poi ci sono anche i 60 e 70 anni
Oggi è morto un addetto alla croce rossa aveva 47 anni ed era un soccorritore.
Sembra la fine del mondo, voi ancora non lo sapete.
Un consiglio : preparatevi, comprate guanti in lattice, mascherine chirurgiche e fate la spesa di generi alimentari
Un augurio a tutti : Che il signore ce la mandi buona

Google translate:

Good evening everyone, I live near the red zone in Lombardy (Italy) We have a lot of time to devote to naval modeling, because of the Corona Virus 19. We are always at home, we cannot go out, except to take 4 steps near the house The situation it is very critical, to go shopping you need to put on latex gloves, surgical masks and keep the minimum distance of 1 meter from one person to another. Every day from a minimum of 100 to 250 people in the red areas (Lombardy and Veneto) We are all afraid of being infected. Believe me, you live very badly. Most of the people who die are between 80 and 85 years old But also between 70 and 80 years old And then there are also 60 and 70 years old. Today a red cross officer died 47 years old and was a rescuer. It seems the end of the world, you still don't know it. A word of advice: get ready, buy latex gloves, surgical masks and shop for groceries. Best wishes to all: May the gentleman send us well.
Dobbiamo capire che il benessere qualcuno intende non il bene inteso di ognuno ma della economia che molte volte supera il senso degli apache che cacciavano i bisonti ma che erano rispettosi nel lasciare la specie per il futuro oggi si va avanti in ogni paese pensando di manomettere il pianeta per il senso capitalistico del senso e annientando ed estinguendo specie animali e vegetali che magari non ne conoscevamo l'esistenza e poi vogliamo andare su marte

Google Translate:

We must understand that someone's well-being means not the intended good of everyone but of the economy that many times exceeds the sense of the Apaches who hunted the bisons but who were respectful in leaving the species for the future today we go on in every country thinking of tampering with the planet for the capitalist sense of meaning and annihilating and extinguishing animal and vegetable species that perhaps we did not know existed and then we want to go to Mars
I think things are going to get worse before they get better.My workplace has just changed nightshift working hours to prevent contact with dayshift.Also staggered breaktimes to reduce contact between employees.

On a different note,if you only panic buy toilet roll,surely you will have nothing to eat and you won't be going to the toilet anyway?

Kind Regards

Ciao Nigel io ragiono un po' come un prete anche se non lo sono e alle volte ne incontro qualcuno che non mi pare tale certo che bisognerebbe capire oggi che il bene del prossimo è da intendere in molti aspetti e che certe persone prendono consenso anche se contrari al bene comune Giovanni

Google translate:

Hi Nigel I think a bit like a priest even if I am not and sometimes I meet someone who does not seem so certain that it should be understood today that the good of the neighbor is to be understood in many aspects and that some people take consensus even if contrary to the common good John
Same in Slovakia. We do not have many cases but a lot of people is afraid. Number of people started wearing face mask including me. My wife is doctor so I must. Government closed all events and shopping centers except grocery shops, pharmacies and drugstores. And yes the modelbuilding helps a lot in being antisocial. I spended yesterday 8 hours in my workshop (more in my building log). Stay save guys. Hopefully we will mange without catching it.
This is a great time for people like us. By the way... I really like your screen name... Pat Pending... very cool. I might have to pirate it. LOLOLOLOL.
Business as usual for us MrShanks (or is it Mrs Hanks) - I've used this nickname for years - When I was a kid I had loads of Matchbox toy cars and on the underside I always saw "Pat Pending" which for a long time I thought was the guy who made them - it was a long time later, about the same time I heard Santa wasn't real, I learned it actually meant Patent Pending ( and with the same level of disppointment, I might add) - but the name always stuck with me. I've used others - Max Headroom, Ben Dover, Ivan Ellavanitch, Hertz VanRental, Dai Version Robin B'stard etc etc - but I like this one best :)
Well, the Governor of our state has closed all the schools for 2 weeks now, people are buying up all the Ramen noodel soup they can get their hands on, bread is starting to disappear, it's going to be a sad state of affairs if this keeps up. I shudder to think of what this is going to do to the world economy - Oh Wait! A happy thought. Think of all the sales after all this is over! Ship models at 75% off??!! :D . Really not trying to make light of this but if we can't laugh at things every now and then - well.......
This morning - dull and grey with a slight drizzle. A noticeable (and welcome) silence, with no traffic noise, although it was never all that loud anyway. Air travel and petrol fumes considerably reduced across the world - atmospheric pollution decreasing every day. Air quility noticeably better. And China's general health improving rapidly following the removal of most of the air pollution There are some positives in the present situation, and I hope that when it is all over, we don't go back to polluting on a grand scale again - but I fear we will!
Now this virus has gone too far..... it is bad enough I have no toilet paper and can't get any because of people hoarding it. Bread is gone , all the canned goods are gone, no rice, no beans, no food staples of any kind in the store. I can put up with this ... but now my HMS Victory model kit is held up somewhere in shipping and God only knows when it will arrive. Now I am upset.
Mark! Don't be upset, - we will prevail!
I been waiting 2 months for that kit .... Oh well ...... I started building the 1/4" scale Winchelsea that Mr. C. Passaro designed. It was going to be a project to work on while building the Victory between steps, but if Victory don't show up, I will work on the Winchelsea full time. We are going to be stuck inside as everything is shutting down in my area. I went to get groceries this morning and felt like I was on The Walking Dead Show foriging for food. I am going to spend the next two weeks (at least) building boats.
The most important - is not panicking. There are no groceries and other supplies because of government misleading and as a result - people panic! They will restock groceries (fresh, just made!!!!!!), we have a reserve in case of disaster. We can live without groceries. The good thing, if don't eat - we don't need toilet paper. :p DON'T Panic!!!!

You got you Winchelsea (very nice ship), concentrate building Her, keep your self busy! Oh...don't forget to start your build log of Winnie! Don't worry about the Victory until the kit will arrive. There was a worth time when WW2.

Be brave, keep your chin UP and build your models!
ROLF, Where has all the LOO paper, sanitary stuff, isopropryl etc gone, EBAY! Its just that the supermakets have this JIT delivery schedule for goods that their business model is built around !

It can't cope with the panic pandemic( forget the virus), we'll all die of under-pant skid marks and BO First!

Just goes to show how little humanity cares or how much people cant cope!

I see the reports from the US of massive gun buying... What are they going to do , shoot the virus.
Cant want for the 'I shot him cause he wiped his bum!'

We are only a population of 24mil in AUS and have more live stock & fresh produce to cover 100 times that. BUT nooo, the Millennial, Farcebooking, instagaggining experts of social media and FARK news institutions who love drama have caused hoardariculous syndrome and now its spread worldwide.

(Oh and it was goods that were on special! ,not the regular prices ones that went first).

Now JIT supermarket delivery system cant cope and ther are hiring more delivery staff & shelf stackers ( yeah sure).

Keep it lean, an they will keep coming back for more retail greed still prevails. ( I went from Gov to Retail and its certainly an eye opener when to comes to profit margins & strategy here)

If we all stopped panicking and just continued the way we were with just the social restrictions, there would be no shortages, the spread would slow and a vacccine would be developed over time . No everyone has serious complications, not everyone gets it.

If the MEDIA stopped behaving the way they are then humans it would be no where as bad as they currently are. Its great for them to hype it up!, it sells.

Simply put:
Don't believe everything you here.
Act responsibly and take precautions.
Take the flu vaccine if you haven't already.

Anyone can catch a flu, and the ones we currently vaccinate against can kill you!

To all Stay safe, Stay well, stop panicking, and act normally like a responsible human beings. :)Thumbs-Up