Hi everyone,
thanks for comments. I'm glad you like the model (as a builder, I know all the stumbles and mistakes, but I like the general view as well).
Some time has passed since the last update, but it was not time wasted because I can announce that I have finished working on the hull of "De Zeven Provincien" !!! Hurrah!!!!
I made gunport lids (I have a slightly "bent" eye, because a large part of them is slightly twisted in the same direction; similarly with the holes for the ropes lifting these covers, they are all slightly shifted to the left

)) There was a lot of work on the starboard too, because I did not print the hinges for gunport lids, believing that sticking thin strips would be nicer. I don't know if it's nicer (probably not), but it's definitely more time-consuming.
But after dealing with nearly 80 gunport lids, it looked better and better. At the same time, I had to make deadeye attachments because it was getting tight in some places. In fact, I didn't simplify them, I just changed the shape of two lower parts (1 and 2), which I covered with small circles (3). Details in the drawing.

Equipping the bulwarks and decks with various types of riggin equipment is a normal job and nothing interesting to write about.
I helped myself with a 3d printer again and it was a move almost brilliant

)) I printed 180 belaying pins: delicate, small, nicely contoured shapes. The end result and the time needed for them is incomparable to those made of wire and thickened on top with a drop of thick glue. I am delighted with this solution, especially since I printed in brown resin right away (pigments are not cheap, but the time savings justify the expense)

It remains to finish the work on the decorations: the designs of the sculptures were prepared by an external company (I do not have such skills myself) and after minor corrections they were printed and painted. Even though the design on the computer matched everything together, there were in fact slight variations in dimensions, as the number of parts must have resulted in a multiplication of minor errors. For example, the central figure of the goddess, supported on her back on the upper decorative handrail, did not reach the pedestal with her legs (the handrail is too high). So I had to thicken the pedestal. Similarly, I had to thicken the pedestal for the side figures of Neptune / Poseidon.
In the meantime, I glued the sloop for the second time, because the previous one was over 1 meter too long, and now I have the second time to glue the boat, which I made 2 meters too long (I still do not know how I rescaled and why I did not check the dimensions after rescaling. And I spent a few hours gluing the boat together before realizing that something was wrong: - (((()

All that's left to do is put a few dozen eyebolts in the decks and set the sloop amidships.
Some pictures below: