Hello everyone, I hope you are all doing fine during all this Covid fiasco. I have finally returned to the workbench after a long absence and have a little to show. I will not go into depth why I have been missing for so long as most of it is just boring excuses and no need to repeat. My buddy Mike does enough boring reporting so I feel there is no need for me to follow in his footsteps!! LOL
Here is the interior, this went relatively well and fit perfectly.
A side view showing the floor, originally I was leaving the laser char on the ends but then changed my mind. Would have been much easier sanding before installing. This is one of the moments when the fun started to fade away
Here is where all fun stopped!! While building the upper floor and not paying attention I glued some of the frames in the wrong places and had to disassemble and rebuild. Needless to say there was other damage that was going to show. We were not supposed to use paint on this model, however, I thought it was easier to paint then to ask Dave for some ebony and for Mike to cut it for me. Hahaha.
Although I broke the rules I really don"t mind the look of it.
Another view, I remade the columns out of Padauk wood to match the hatch combings. I forgot to mention the upper floor is not attached yet it is just sitting there for this awesome photo shoot
I really need to do some dusting soon!
Another view, is this getting boring? Blame Mike if it is!!
Here we go the hatches. I rebuilt these as I was short two and the one I did have was damaged, no one to blame as I was the one who packed the kits!!
It was not all that bad as I got to use the mill, thickness sander and tablesaw. A few hours work and minimal cussing they came out looking pretty good.
And another angle, I'm liable to fall asleep soon if this keeps up. In the top left of the floor you can see a lantern that I made. There are four of them, I will not show a close up as I am not that proud of them and they may end up in the garbage bin.
All the blocks rigged and ready for cannons and gun port doors. Blocks were made of left over pieces from various billets, rope is also handmade and the hooks I made from ,5 mm wire. Blocks were finished with boiled linseed oil.
A shot of the front with the addition of the gun rail, which I forgot to add in the previous pictures. I remade this from Padauk wood also, the original one made from rosewood was about 2 mm short. When I think back I believe I was the one that cut these pieces to length in Mike's shop. I'm starting to think that I should give up this hobby and take up poking needles in my eyes. LOL
Cannons that were once assembled were disassembled as I changed my mind about having brass coloured barrels. Oh yah, a better shot of those infamous lanterns.
Trust me they are good from afar but a far from good.
And another view
Wow!! Does it ever end? How many pictures of this are needed?
I've got myself so tired and bored I need a sleep!
Take Care and Thanks for dropping in