DSPIAE AT-CT Micro Cutter - Review

Look if your order got a free return option, you can get your money back.
@donfarr Aliexpress is not bad to order, you only have to look good what you order. Especially when you use the app. The website is better to use.
Look if your order got a free return option, you can get your money back.
@donfarr Aliexpress is not bad to order, you only have to look good what you order. Especially when you use the app. The website is better to use.
Thanks Stephan. I agree with what you're saying, but I'm happy to keep the blade & to keep trying to get into the website again.
I've cracked the problems I had with my PC / printer. I located a 'Tech Guy' who does home visits. The issue was in the hard drive, which he has changed to an SSD, now I have both printers up & running.
To accompany the J.Boudriot translations, I've bought a copy of 'Marine Vocabulary'. This has produced a couple of names for blocks that is news to me :-
1) Poulie de sus-vergue = bollock block ?
2)Poulie de tournevire = voyal block? Is there such a word in English?

Now that I have an Ecotank printer, it will be fairly cheap @ 0.2pence/page to print out the translations.

Sorry to break bad news, but the price you saw is for the additional cutting pad. Look at the ad again and scroll through the pics…. You will note that the price changes with each pic….i guess they set the default pic to show the cutting mat and the $6 price which is misleading…….the cutter will cost you about $60
Yep - a spare blade! After searching for 'ages' yesterday, & kept being sent to their Dutch site, where the cutter was not available, I tried again a search, after twice more into the Dutch site, I googled Aliexpress China & got there! Cutting station £43 ($54).

'Ee by gum, that were hard work! :rolleyes:
Yep - a spare blade! After searching for 'ages' yesterday, & kept being sent to their Dutch site, where the cutter was not available, I tried again a search, after twice more into the Dutch site, I googled Aliexpress China & got there! Cutting station £43 ($54).

'Ee by gum, that were hard work! :rolleyes:
I know it has been a lot of effort to get there....but you will be glad when you finally get the cutter....it is well worth it. I use mine everyday and still love it.
I was a little suspect when I ordered the DSPIAE cutter from Aliexpress but I have to say I am in love with this little cutter. I have the Amati cutter which is plastic and not capable of getting consistent, repeatable cuts due to it's design that allows the handle (blade) to move side to side. This unit is way better and is a solid, mini cutter. What I like:

1)This thing is solid. Everything is made of aluminum and very well put together....no plastic parts.

2)The guides are all metal as well, clearly marked, and accurate. 45 angles are a breeze with this cutter.

3)Razor Blades are the standard, single side blades that you can buy anywhere. All you have to do is drill 2 holes in blades to match the blade that comes with the unit. I setup my jig and drilled 50 blades in about 30 minutes....I like to change blades often.

4)Well designed. Cutter is designed so that the actual cutting is about an inch or two from the base of the handle. The result is that there is no pinching or "scissor effect" from trying to cut from the base of the handle...the blade comes down in a straight angle to the wood. The result is the cleanest, sharpest cuts I have ever gotten.

5)Price. I paid about 60 bucks all in with shipping, etc. It took about 2 weeks for mine to show up and I was very impressed with the packaging.

Honestly guys, this is a great little cutter. If you like or make due with the Amati cutter, you will love this cutter.

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Here is a comparison of the blade that comes with the unit (on right) and a standard single edge razor you can buy anywhere. (I removed the metal top or cover that comes on standard blade....it just pops off with a little prying) As you can see, you need to only drill the 2 holes and you will have infinite supply of cheap blades.

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If you have any questions, let me know. No connection to company, etc.... I just love this cutter and wanted to share.
Hey Gene, what type of drill did you use? I have a pack of blades & removed the safety strip, centre popped the hole position, but being carbon steel, drill bits wouldn't touch it.
I used a fiber laser that I use for engraving coins. But a Cobalt titanium bit will do the job. Amazon Link
I also drill the hole a little bigger so that I could adjust the blade as needed. I put blade on, then loosen both screws...drop the blade down to where it is just touching the pad, then tighten screws.
I know it has been a lot of effort to get there....but you will be glad when you finally get the cutter....it is well worth it. I use mine everyday and still love it.
AHoy, Shipmates! My order for the DISPIAE cutter, of 3rd June, arrived yesterday the 10th. That's what you call excellent service, much easier than trying to get parts from España! Aliexpress keeps one well-informed of the order's progress all the way.
AHoy, Shipmates! My order for the DISPIAE cutter, of 3rd June, arrived yesterday the 10th. That's what you call excellent service, much easier than trying to get parts from España! Aliexpress keeps one well-informed of the order's progress all the way.
Please let us know your experience while using it.
i received mine 5/29 greatly made tool problem installed blad3e is phoney order on amaqzon says it includes replacement blade hex wrench up datede cutting mat know where to be found found on amazon blde $10.00 no wrench . someone help if possible greatly appreciate it btw ot of stock at amazon. god bless stay safe all don
i received mine 5/29 greatly made tool problem installed blad3e is phoney order on amaqzon says it includes replacement blade hex wrench up datede cutting mat know where to be found found on amazon blde $10.00 no wrench . someone help if possible greatly appreciate it btw ot of stock at amazon. god bless stay safe all don

Please let us know your experience while using it.
Hi Jim, here are comparative photos of my shop-made cutter & DSPIAE. I've used M3 thumb screws to replace the cap head ones. I didn't realise how small it is compared with mine.
First test with DSP proved that it coped with 2mm soft wood, but not too well with walnut. The makers DO say it's designed for plastic! When hard pressure is applied, the tool tends to tip for'ard, it really needs a baseboard & a bit longer handle. On the other hand, mine uses the same type of blade, but with the 'safety strip' still attached, & will cut 4mm by rotating the strip to take shallow cuts to all sides.
I tried drilling blades with a tungsten-carbide drill, one ok, next one snapped off a corner. I tried a third by heating the hole position,it did drill, but the blade warped.
Overall, the cutter is probably most suited to cutting deck planks. I'll keep mine for angle cuts & marking them on bigger strips.
I've done a mod on my cutter to use one of the DSP angle guides, I can also clamp a set square to it.
The DSPIAE is better than the plastic 'carpy' ones available, BUT my shop-made one is better still!


