French war-ship Saint-Philippe 1693 - scale 1/72 - from Lemineur monograph [COMPLETED BUILD]

I received my order of walnut for wales, and I've soon glued first part of middle wale :

View attachment 235914

For rear part, I am waiting a response from J-C Lemineur (Does the wale run behind the quarter-gallery, or does'nt ?)
You would expect it does run behind the ballustrade as this is a platform build against the side of the hull. First the wale and planking were fitted before the gallery was build so I would expect the wale inside the gallery.

See below the inside of the stern gallery of the Batavia. Here you see the wales inside the galkery.

On the inside of Vasa s stern gallery the same.
Pity those swallows or house martins cant aim for the toilet when they using the gallery Maarten:)
Allthough I like your thought. The white has nothing to do with bird droppings :-) .

It is actually a reaction of the poly glycols used to preserve Vasa with the high Iron and sulphur content in the wood. This creates an acidic white yellow deposit on the outside of the wood.

Sorry no swallows here.