French war-ship Saint-Philippe 1693 - scale 1/72 - from Lemineur monograph [COMPLETED BUILD]

Dear Friend The pace of progress you present is astonishing and especially that the results are extremely beautiful Thumbsup :)
A simulation of upper back-stern figure, with a correct 1/72 scaled copy :

View attachment 238942

View attachment 238943
I've to choose, either a self-made fabrication, or to buy an out provided 3 D realization Question-Mark
Maybe you try it by yourself first - and if you realize after some time, you can still contact and order from a specialist.
But do not forget - there are a lot of carving works necessary for the complete stern ......
Hi Uwe,

I've soon made a visual status of necessary adds-on, and the list shows a first group of ten items :

Ornements C.jpg

Some of these elements could be simulated with pictures glued on the wooden support, it's
depending on tarifications, I have send a mail about this question to a provider of 3D prints

Best regards,
