French war-ship Saint-Philippe 1693 - scale 1/72 - from Lemineur monograph [COMPLETED BUILD]

I understood correctly - this is a channel for the Ufers. Have you already glued the decorative strip? How then will you fix the shrouds? Maybe I misunderstood something?
I understood correctly - this is a channel for the Ufers. Have you already glued the decorative strip? How then will you fix the shrouds? Maybe I misunderstood something?
Александр я кстати эту фигурную планку сразу закрепил. Но у меня вырезы под путенсы побольше. Путенс юферса должен свободно сидеть в этом пазу, так как некоторые путенсы будут идти под углом относительно путенсов первых вант.
Alexander, by the way, I immediately fixed this curly bar. But I have more cutouts for putens. The putens of the yufer should sit freely in this groove, since some putens will go at an angle relative to the putens of the first shrouds.
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