Grants Xebec 1:60 (using Jabeque Cazador Occre1:60 kit) [COMPLETED BUILD]


I thought I could improve the kit sails (they really not bad) but after much contemplating I think I may…..have to make some.

HELP……what is the most suited cloth to use. There are so many opinions going from Egyptian cotton, Muslin, Silkspan @Peter Voogt tissue paper etc. If I cut up the admirals Egyptian cotton sheets I’m dead ROTF

Hmmmm….does Grants Xebec really need sails…..???
Cheers Grant
SAILS….I have read up on materials used and I am still in a quandary which way to go…o_O.

My friends who are in the know and have made awesome sails….
@dockattner , @Daniel20 , @RDN1954 , @Uwek ,@Alexander74 , @Jimsky, @Ptèr, @Tobias etc…HELP please.

I don’t know what I can source here (not importing way too expensive) so your advice and options here is appreciated.

Cheers Grant
My goodness Grant! that last set of pictures is absolutely stunning!!
As far as sail material goes, well I go into the fabric store where I am the only man in there and go up and down the isles without a clue as to what material to use, (and I am serious, I really don't know) but come upon some smooth white not too thick material for my BN or off white for my Vasa and take the bolt up to a large counter and say I think 2 yards should do it (again, quantity is also a guess). The woman who prepares and cuts the material off the bolt is looking at me with a curious expression the whole time then stares at me while I pay and walk out the door.
My goodness Grant! that last set of pictures is absolutely stunning!!
As far as sail material goes, well I go into the fabric store where I am the only man in there and go up and down the isles without a clue as to what material to use, (and I am serious, I really don't know) but come upon some smooth white not too thick material for my BN or off white for my Vasa and take the bolt up to a large counter and say I think 2 yards should do it (again, quantity is also a guess). The woman who prepares and cuts the material off the bolt is looking at me with a curious expression the whole time then stares at me while I pay and walk out the door.
Thanks Daniel. I can see this being my approach as well. ROTF.
My goodness Grant! that last set of pictures is absolutely stunning!!
As far as sail material goes, well I go into the fabric store where I am the only man in there and go up and down the isles without a clue as to what material to use, (and I am serious, I really don't know) but come upon some smooth white not too thick material for my BN or off white for my Vasa and take the bolt up to a large counter and say I think 2 yards should do it (again, quantity is also a guess). The woman who prepares and cuts the material off the bolt is looking at me with a curious expression the whole time then stares at me while I pay and walk out the door.
Maybe your shirt was on inside-out?
SAILS….I have read up on materials used and I am still in a quandary which way to go…o_O.

My friends who are in the know and have made awesome sails….
@dockattner , @Daniel20 , @RDN1954 , @Uwek ,@Alexander74 , @Jimsky, @Ptèr, @Tobias etc…HELP please.

I don’t know what I can source here (not importing way too expensive) so your advice and options here is appreciated.

Cheers Grant
Hi Grant,
OEPS, added later: now I see that Paul has posted the link earlier. :rolleyes: I could delete my post, but a excuse to Paul @dockattner is the best!

In this post (click between the arrows) Uwe inserted a link to a company in England. It’s about the Navarra Fine Lawn White, according to Ab Hovink @Ab Hoving. He used it on his models.
—> Navarra Fine Lawn White <—
The company has a great list of fabric and you can ask them to send 5 samples for free. I made a selection of 4:
From coarse to fine: (bottom left with some folds)
Voile Cotton Cambridge White, 60gsm:

Polyerster Empress White, **gsm:

Navara Fina Lawn White, 70gsm:

Sandwiched Habotai Silk Ivory, 50gsm:

With some tea you can give them all a nice old fashion color.
But that company has a HUGH list of fabrics.
Perhaps it helps you (a bit).
For my Bluenose the Navarra was just a little to heavy.
Stephan @Steef66 and Maarten @Maarten did also some test with some fabrics.
Regards, Peter
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SAILS….I have read up on materials used and I am still in a quandary which way to go…o_O.

My friends who are in the know and have made awesome sails….
@dockattner , @Daniel20 , @RDN1954 , @Uwek ,@Alexander74 , @Jimsky, @Ptèr, @Tobias etc…HELP please.

I don’t know what I can source here (not importing way too expensive) so your advice and options here is appreciated.

Cheers Grant
I was able to purchase about one square meter of cloth, specially made for shipsmodels.
Since it was white, really white, I treated the cloth with a poison of wood glue, water and stain (light oak), twice.
Not my idea, just took it from YouTube. It did wonders, that poison; the color is now off-white and the adhesive prevents excessive fraying of the edges. I drew the sails on one of the drawings that came with the kit and had to redo that a couple of times, before I agreed with the sketch.
The Admiral taught me how to use her sewing machine, so I spend some quality time making the sails. Since I didn't like the fold-over edges, I opted to have a rope, temporary attached with a few drops of CA, sown onto the sail with a zigzag stitch, from one side to the other side of the rope. In my opinion it worked great on the 1:72 scale of the Bluenose.
The Bluenose carries 8 sails; before I had one sail, which didn't cause my swear jar to fill up, I had sown eight pre-production sails...