Not done a lot on the Hayling lately, sort of found it hard going. But the hull framing is now complete, just some fairing to do once I release the hull from the jig. The waterways are glued in, they sort of conformed to the shape of the hull, after a fashion, with a bit of persuasion, but the bow wasn't such a good fit at, but got there with a bit more persuasion. On the whole, quite chuffed with the end result.
Now, as I have said before, I have never built anything like this before. I did find the instructions disapointing, but having a fair degree of common sense, I got there. I have orderd up some 1mm wood which I will use for the decking, as the kit ones I am not happy with, not sure how I will do it, but I have seen a deck where it was "!nibbled" away at an angle, think that might look interesting, while hiding a multitude of sins.
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