HM Armed Cutter Alert (1777) - Vanguard Models - 1/64 - Completed Build

Smithy, sorry to disappoint you, but that base is a bit better than "quite good". It is great. I would never have dreamed of something like you've done, but when I see it, I can't imagine your vessel without it. It is superb. Well done.
And now I know somebody else who knows what"grisaille" is! :p
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Most of the hull building happened before I started writing about it. It was as straightforward as I'd expect from Vanguard models. It surprised me that the hull below the wales was presented as carvel built (smooth with planks meeting edge to edge). I was keen to simulate clinker building (AKA lapstrake) and am pleased that I did. I like that result though I've since thought of some ways to do it better. If only there was a next time.

I found, by accident, a way to heat set Titebond, halving the time I spend planking. I posted this everywhere I could as I'd never seen it done before. It turned out that in Eastern Europe and some other parts of the world, everyone does it like that. Western Europe and America generally hadn't heard of it either. How strange.

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That's a better shot of the planking and the plating too. Coppering using chemical ageing (and the unfortunate decision to use CA to stick it on) was fascinating. However, the spectacular initial results are slowly being obliterated by the natural ageing of the copper to the more subtle colours seen here. This thing is making itself more authentic, day by day.

I love the way that occasional plates have been damaged, folded back accidentally during the build. I think that's likely to be quite realistic. I'm not so keen on the pencil marked waterline. D'oh! At least it shows that my coppering was straight and level.

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You have never seen a more gnarly bottom, and clinkers too! To my prejudices eye, that part of the model actually looks like it weighs a hundred tons.

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Above the wales the kit's hull is accurately carvel-built but I replaced the wood with walnut because i liked the look of it. Some aspects of the build were made more 'authentic' and some were made more 'pretty'. So what? It's my toy and I'll play with it however I like. Haha!

I've been hull planking in short sections ever since I looked at my first model boat and thought "where did they get planks seventy feet long?" I find it easier to do it that way as well as preferring the patchwork result. I edge bend the strips when they are full size and then cut them into scale length planks to suit their intended placement.
I love the final look of the lapstrake hull and realistically gnarly copper plating. One of my favorite aspects of your model, along with the final display!ThumbsupGold StarGold StarGold StarGold StarGold StarBeer

Smithy, good afternoon from Salisbury UK. I congratulate you on your choice of building a Vanguard Kit model, there are excellent kits. I noticed that Chris Wooton provides a kit does that does not allow for clinker planking below the wale, however I have asked the guy who is building the Alert for me (my hands have had it, temporarily I hope) to try clinker. Should you wish to get in touch I can arrange it. I am attaching an image of the hull. You may not know that the Alert was uprated to Sloop of War following her capture of USS Lexington off the Brittany coast in 1777 I believe. I specialise in this class of sailing warship. The uprating was done due to her captain's promotion to Master and Commander, achieved by his victory over USS Lexington, which had run out of ammunition having taken several prizes during her cruise.
If you wish to contact me google I am a the chairman.

The lapstrakes should diminish to zero overlap as they approact the bow. I have seen two methods, one of which is easy to do, the other not so much. In either case they should look like carvel planking by the time the reach the stem so they can seat in the rabbet properly and seal the hull.

Rebate method

Gain method without having to make rebates.
Something I just learned the other day. The copper plating did not always go over the false keel which was left exposed to tear away in the event of grounding. From the contract for Aurora:
As the Ship is to be partly coppered before the False Keel is put under, Care must be taken that there is Copper, as shall be directed, put all Fore and Aft between the Main and False Keels, properly turned up and fastened.
The same wording can be found in multiple contracts so I am assuming this was the common practice.

Another example from a contract, Nautilus 1784
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Smithy, thank you for that advice. I have only planked in clinker at full size usintg method A, the tricky part is always at the bow and the stern below the LWL.

Glad to see hour Alert done and that you are pleased with the result.

I had fallen behind and needed to spend some time catching up and I will need to go back and have another look at the pictures of your completed build.

I too like the base you created for Alert. More often than not, bases are simple sterile things, waterline vessels on simple or complex seascapes notwithstanding but then they are something altogether different from a ship of sail model such as this. However, to my eyes, I find the underneath a bit too cluttered and perhaps even distracts a bit from the ship itself. But then, too much or too little is very subjective dependant on the viewers point of view.

Otherwise, I do quite like the finished piece. You have managed to take what could be a dreary unimaginative build and brighten it with colour and texture in creative and believable ways. The Devil is in the detail which is why I must now go back and have another look at and get lost in some of those details.

Enjoy your musical adventures. Fair winds and following seas.

cheers, Graham

Hi Graham, thanks for the constructive criticism; a rare and valuable thing.

Two weeks ago, when Alert was recently completed, I thought the clutter of the base was toned down by the grey colour and that the clutter of the ship in ‘technicolour’ placed the base in a suitably subordinate position. Now I’ve lived with it for a fortnight, I’m not so sure that is correct.

I now see a very strong contrast between base and ship. It seems that black and white, even dark grey and light grey is equally as vivid as bright red, yellow, orange, brown. I think it’s the contrast between ‘colour’ and ‘no colour’ that over-emphasises the base.

If I were to do this again I would perhaps paint the elements of the base in natural colours, but darker and less saturated than the ship.

Remember, I was in a hurry at the time and the greytone effect did have the advantage of speed. :)