Hello, Once again and thanks for dropping in. The build is still making progress, I have now fitted some blocks that would prove difficult later on, I’ve banded the masts and stepped them, and they sit well, in line and look to be at the correct angle. I’ve done the top of the shrouds and the lower stays, I’m happy that it’s taking shape.
Some of you will be aware from previous logs that I have issues with my hands, missing fingers etc. and that I have extreme difficulty working with small blocks, so you must give me some slack when it comes to authenticity with knots etc. So that I don’t get too frustrated and quit I’m going to simplify all aspects of the rigging so that I can get over the finishing line with my sanity intact. I am not going to follow the excellent but complicated plan but instead do a sort of simple generic 18th century rig and hope that it looks believable, and that from a pace away looks convincing to the masses.
To do Euromodel justice I’ve shown part of their rigging plans which are a lesson in rigging, they are to my mind overcomplicated for a model and would take an age to complete, but they are good, it would be up to the modeller to leave out or simplify to suit his aims. Mine won’t resemble these plans in any way.
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