Often I try it in the way you made it already - cutting out the parts, and check at the location if the part there is making sense..... and it is making senseAfter studying the photos and drawings you sent me (in the last few days), the construction logs and other information available to me I came to the conclusion that timber number EL 82 connects to parts DL54 and Frames number 9 in the jig. Attaches a picture of the parts laid out, not glued.
View attachment 304284
It's a bit funny to ask a question out loud to everyone and not wait for an answer , but find it ourselves.
I will try to keep the documentation detailed for the next members who will reach these stages in a few weeks or months.
Once the question of the location of the beams has been resolved for the time being, I will move to the installation of planking in the inner and lower part of the deck similar to the beautiful work that our friend Maarten did - I will attach a picture of his work
View attachment 304285
and there is the notch for the hanging knee and also for the carling - so it is fitting
At the end it was only a small typewriting error