G'day Alex, maybe I can answer your questions,

The items to the right and left of X are the riding bitts, the items marked T are the spare topmasts that the
boat sits on, there are other inconsistency's look up at the letters B and then have a look at the kits pics,

You are right your deck is longer than on the drawings see my next pic,

It is approm13mm longer than the drawings,

another view, on the drawings you would see more of the beam below the edge of the deck,

Here is another view looking down on mine, as you can see what Maarten was saying about the steps and the cannon
I am going to cut my steps into the moulding that goes across the Focsle where the X is and probably trim some
off the top of the steps as well,

and a photo Of Maartens, hope you dont mind Maarten, which is scratch built where as mine is from the kit,
there doesn't seem to be a lot of difference,

This is a pic from the manual showing the launch sitting on the beams, you can see how much room is at the
front and the rear,

My launch just sitting on a couple of dowels, you can see the same spaces at both ends,

Close up of the rear,

and close up of the front, also remember that you have increased the length of your deck so if you just want to
add the kit fore deck you should have no troubles with the space,
hope this helps you to make a decision,
best regards john,