HMS Royal William 1719 1:55 by OlegM

Hello Oleg, I forgot a question. May I ask where you got the motifs for the side carvings? Unfortunately I can't find anything suitable for these great motifs. I would be very happy about a tip. Best regards Günter
Hello Oleg, thank you very much for your quick reply. So you have created your rigging based on the Royal William's. It's amazing. You took lots of pictures of it in the museum. Could you post some pictures of it in the forum? Thanks for the second source, the book Anderson-Seventeenth Century Rigging. I didn't know that one. For my research I used the books Masting and Rigging of 18th Century Ships by Karl Heinz Marquardt and Lennhardt Petersson. These are full of drawings that I can use for the period from 1765 to 1790. However, there is no complete rigging plan showing how to properly attach the ropes to the bow and stern of the ship. What I am missing is the attachment of the mizzen pole and the sails. I would like to build the HMS Victory in 1:84 scale with complete rigging and sails. Of course it won't be able to compare to your beautiful HMS Royal William. But I'll try. During my research I came across: The Rigging of HMS Invincible by Tom Cousins Faculty of Science and Engineering Bournemouth University? This research paper looks at the rigging from that period. I only skimmed the document and it seems really good. As I'm from Germany I have to translate it first. It will take a while. If you don't know it I can send it to you.

Best regards


P.S. How expensive would it have been to build this model today? Then your HMS Royal William is priceless..!!

Most probably you will have to design the plan by yourself. Unless you find a rigged model in a museum and go see it, as I did...

Hello Oleg, I forgot a question. May I ask where you got the motifs for the side carvings? Unfortunately I can't find anything suitable for these great motifs. I would be very happy about a tip. Best regards Günter
For your research please check also the web-page of Willi Meischl alias @schifferlbauer
- the shown sketch of the taffarel shown by Oleg was made by Willi
