, now this takes patience. The middle deck stern chase guns were installed and rigged, and it was very slow and careful tweezer work hooking the gun tackles, especially on the carriages in the corners. I had to rediscover the order to rig everything since it was a while since guns in corners were rigged.
The corner guns are installed first, then the ones nearer the centerline.
First, the gun tackles are loosened up to about 2" and hooked onto the eyebolts on the bulwarks. A tad of CA is applied to the hooks/eyebolts so they don't come unhooked.
Then, the carriage is moved into place and the shanks of the breech line eyebolts are glued into holes into the bulwark.
A stick of wood is inserted in the muzzle of the gun to act as a handle to help maneuver it. The stick is used to lift the carriage off the deck with the rear deck being high in the air, exposing the bottoms of the trucks. CA glue was applied with a long stick to the bottom of each truck and the carriage is lowered and glued to the deck. The position of the carriage is checked and adjusted before the glue takes hold.
The rear end of the gun tackles are hooked onto the carriage eyebolts and some CA glue is applied to the hook/eyebolt once the blocks are rotating to the correct angle. This is the hardest step because of lack view and access.
Tweezers are used to take the slack out of the gun tackles, and the bitter ends are glued to the deck behind the carriages to hold them down.
Once the tackle lines have dried, a chisel razor knife is used to trim the excess line of the gun tackle line.
Coils of line are wrapped around a rubber coated handle of one of the diamond files which was first wetted with Weldbond PVA, which is more pasty and thicker than Elmer's Glue, and dried clear.
Once ALMOST dry, the coils are slipped off the file handle and place in a vice and squeezed into a flatter shape, because line coiled on a deck doesn't naturally stack up edge to edge in a cylinder shape.
After 4 minutes in the vice, the glue has fully set. The ends of the coil are trimmed to length, on leaving a slight tail and the other flush with the coil. For each carriage , you need a left hand coil and a right hand coil.
The coils are then glued to the deck, just over the end of the gun tackle line that this glued to the deck. This creates the illusion that the coils are extensions of the gun tackle line. This is a preferable method over trying to coil uncooperative thread of the gun tackle into a neat coil and gluing it to the deck. Ask me how I know this.
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