More deck details were started today. A way to scratch build mast wedges and coats needed to be figured out. Since I have some wood dowels which are larger than the ones furnished for the masts in the kit, it seemed possible to make wood rings to carve the wedge and coat for each mast. Here is how I did it with simple tools.
The wedged and coat for the foremast will be made first. Drill a shallow hole into the end of a dowel which is 30% larger in diameter than the diameter of the mast. Make sure the hole is centered. If not, cut the end of the dowel off and start again. I was too lazy to go out to the shop and use the lathe, and it really didn't require precision anyway.
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Slice off a couple rings off the end of the dowel.
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Choose the best looking ring and file the inner diameter until it fits over the dowel to be used to make the mast later.
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Add three drops of glue to the inside corner joint to temporarily attach the ring to the mast dowel.
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These two are for the mainmast and mizzen mast and will be shaped to final form later.
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While using the mast dowel as a handle, use a sanding block to make an octagon out of the ring. Then round over the upper edge of each facet, and make the vertices with pencil. Insert the mast dowel into the model and make sure the bottom end sits within the depression in the lower gun deck below. Slide the ring over the mast all the way to the deck, and apply a very small bit of CA glue to the joint where the ring meets the deck, being careful not to let any glue get to the dowel. Check the mast dowel angle relative to the ship. The foremast in this case is straight vertical. Adjust the mast angle before the CA glue sets up. This sets the lower mast angle. Remove the mast dowel and apply some more CA to the wedge and coat joint to secure it firmly to the deck. A pencil was used to draw joint lines on the timbers immediately surrounding the coat, which is a shortcut to making individual square blocks of wood in these four locations.
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After a bit of satin finish is sprayed and allowed to dry, the color of the wood comes out and here is the result. This is simple and easy even at this small scale. Later, this will be repeated for the main and mizzen masts on the middle gun deck.
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