HMS Sovereign of the Seas - Bashing DeAgostini Beyond Believable Boundaries

The guns for ports 1 through 3 from the bow on the upper gun deck were fixed in position and preparation for cutting the six gun ports for the bow chase guns was made.

1.5mm eyebolts for the gun tackles were glued in pre-drilled holes in the bulwarks for all broadside gun ports. The six carriages for gun ports 1 through 3 from the bow were glued to the deck.
1359 Glue Six Carriages in Place.jpg

Then, the eyebolts for the breeching lines were glued into pre-drilled holes beneath the gun tackle eyebolts. The breeching lines were then arranged in a realistic lay on the deck, with spots of glue used to hold them in place as necessary.
1360 Attach Breeching Line Eyebolts to Bulwarks.jpg

Four gun carriages for the bow changes guns are assembled with barrels and trunnion caps, then the breeching line is installed
1361 Begin Assembling Four Bow Chase Carriages.jpg

The second eyebolts are seized at the other end of each breeching line.
1362 Adding Quoin Handles is Next.jpg

One of the guns is wetted with black paint on the muzzle.
1363 Wet Muzzle of One Bow Chase Gun with Black Paint.jpg

This gun was used to mark all six gun port hole locations in the beakhead bulkhead.
1364 Use Gun Barrel to Mark Gun Ports.jpg

The locations of the holes will be adjusted left or right to be symmetrical and in accordance with McKay's rendering of the beakhead bulkhead plan.
1365 Bow Chanse Gun Ports Marked.jpg

1366 McKay's Plan for Bow Chase Gun Port Locations.jpg
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You're a lot more productive with your COVID than I was. What do you eat for breakfast?

QQ: Are you fixing your gun carriages to the deck with a physical element or just glue?
You're a lot more productive with your COVID than I was. What do you eat for breakfast?

QQ: Are you fixing your gun carriages to the deck with a physical element or just glue?
Just this:
It's got what plants crave.

I just glue the carriages down.. 'cuz I'm lazy. If they break loose, the gun tackles hold them in position just like real cannons.
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With the holes marked for the chase gun ports, a small drill was used with the Dremel to make a hole in the center of each mark, after measuring and adjusting two of the marks so the holes will be symmetrical port to starboard. Tow other drill bits of increasing diameter were used to enlarge to the holes, then the edges of the holes were filed smooth with a small round diamond file. The edges were then painted red, and the gun carriages place on the deck to check the hole alignment vertically, relative to the gun barrels. The measurements paid off, and the holes are right where they should be.

1367 Chase Gun Ports Cut.jpg

1368 Test Fit Gun Carriages.jpg

Chase Gun Ports Cut.1369.jpg
More cannon carriage work.

Quoins were cut using the chopper from scrap pearwood left over from carriage laser cut kits.
1376 Cut Quoins From Scrap Pearwood.jpg

Drill hole for the quoin handle.
1377 Drill Hole in Quoin for Handle.jpg

Glue quoin handle in the quoin. Quoin handles are made from cut down 9mm Falkonet belaying pins
1377 Glue Quoin Handle in Quoin.jpg

Stained the quoins and handles using brown panel liner. The one on the left is unstained.
1378 Stain Quoins with Panel Liner.jpg

First attempt at making gun tackles from 1.5mm blocks. They took and hour each, and a technique had to be developed just to hold and maneuver the tiny blocks. A sharpened wire tool is used to clear the block holes.
1379 Make Gun Tackles Using 1.5mm Blocks.JPG
More cannon carriage work.

Quoins were cut using the chopper from scrap pearwood left over from carriage laser cut kits.
View attachment 351373

Drill hole for the quoin handle.
View attachment 351374

Glue quoin handle in the quoin. Quoin handles are made from cut down 9mm Falkonet belaying pins
View attachment 351375

Stained the quoins and handles using brown panel liner. The one on the left is unstained.
View attachment 351376

First attempt at making gun tackles from 1.5mm blocks. They took and hour each, and a technique had to be developed just to hold and maneuver the tiny blocks. A sharpened wire tool is used to clear the block holes.
View attachment 351377
Those block are sooo teeniny
More cannon carriage work.

Quoins were cut using the chopper from scrap pearwood left over from carriage laser cut kits.
View attachment 351373

Drill hole for the quoin handle.
View attachment 351374

Glue quoin handle in the quoin. Quoin handles are made from cut down 9mm Falkonet belaying pins
View attachment 351375

Stained the quoins and handles using brown panel liner. The one on the left is unstained.
View attachment 351376

First attempt at making gun tackles from 1.5mm blocks. They took and hour each, and a technique had to be developed just to hold and maneuver the tiny blocks. A sharpened wire tool is used to clear the block holes.
View attachment 351377
Jeezzzz Kurt, and I thought my tiny 2.5mm blocks were hard to deal with. Hats off to you my friend.
Kurt, do you sleep or just amaze people with your talent. On your deck planking I see a carpenter mis-aligned one nail by 0.00000003479 mm. Fire that guy! Amazing detail my friend, and the rum bottles are where?
More cannon carriage work.

Quoins were cut using the chopper from scrap pearwood left over from carriage laser cut kits.
View attachment 351373

Drill hole for the quoin handle.
View attachment 351374

Glue quoin handle in the quoin. Quoin handles are made from cut down 9mm Falkonet belaying pins
View attachment 351375

Stained the quoins and handles using brown panel liner. The one on the left is unstained.
View attachment 351376

First attempt at making gun tackles from 1.5mm blocks. They took and hour each, and a technique had to be developed just to hold and maneuver the tiny blocks. A sharpened wire tool is used to clear the block holes.
View attachment 351377
Excellent the blocks look in scale great work, many blocks I see are larger then a the wheels and don't look right to me.
Excellent the blocks look in scale great work, many blocks I see are larger then a the wheels and don't look right to me.
I need to buy more tiny 1.5mm blocks, but Dry-Dock Model Parts is out of them and won't see more anytime soon, so I'm on the waiting list. The blocks are very well made but so tiny they are very difficult to work with. Until you get up to 1:48 scale, you really can't get gun tackle blocks the correct size.
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More cannon carriage work.

Quoins were cut using the chopper from scrap pearwood left over from carriage laser cut kits.
View attachment 351373

Drill hole for the quoin handle.
View attachment 351374

Glue quoin handle in the quoin. Quoin handles are made from cut down 9mm Falkonet belaying pins
View attachment 351375

Stained the quoins and handles using brown panel liner. The one on the left is unstained.
View attachment 351376

First attempt at making gun tackles from 1.5mm blocks. They took and hour each, and a technique had to be developed just to hold and maneuver the tiny blocks. A sharpened wire tool is used to clear the block holes.
View attachment 351377
Good morning Kurt. Wow, that is beautiful work and detail. Cheers Grant
Good morning Kurt. Wow, that is beautiful work and detail. Cheers Grant
Thanks to EVERYONE for their generous comments, even Vic, who is encouraging me to add even more detail, probably because he's curious if there's a threshold beyond which I'll experience a mental breakdown. ROTF Thanks for the challenge, Vic. It only makes the model better. Also thanks to the lurkers, who never make comments in this build log but read along (is you have any ideas or advice, SAY something).

The bow chase fortified culverin drakes were installed. All of these lighter guns will have half trucks with a few exceptions.
1380 Installed Bow Chase Fortified Demi-Culverins.jpg

For the broadside guns visible in the waist, the line used for the breeching lines were replaced with line supplied by Syren Shipyard. This is a huge improvement over the leftover Corel line I had been using up to this point.
1381 Improved Breeching Line Rope.jpg

The first few demi-culverin drakes were installed on the upper deck broadsides.
1382 Installing Broadship Guns.jpg

Here is a close-up of one of them.
1383 Detail of Broadside Demi-Culverin Drake.jpg

The waist demi-culverin drakes look nice, especially considering how small they are. The real challenge will be making the gun tackles as usual.
1384 Broadside Demi-Culverin Drakes.jpg

Here are the guns installed so far.
1385 Guns Installed So Far .jpg

Progress so far
1386 Progress So Far.jpg


Thanks to EVERYONE for their generous comments, even Vic, who is encouraging me to add even more detail, probably because he's curious if there's a threshold beyond which I'll experience a mental breakdown. ROTF Thanks for the challenge, Vic. It only makes the model better. Also thanks to the lurkers, who never make comments in this build log but read along (is you have any ideas or advice, SAY something).

The bow chase fortified culverin drakes were installed. All of these lighter guns will have half trucks with a few exceptions.
View attachment 351712

For the broadside guns visible in the waist, the line used for the breeching lines were replaced with line supplied by Syren Shipyard. This is a huge improvement over the leftover Corel line I had been using up to this point.
View attachment 351713

The first few demi-culverin drakes were installed on the upper deck broadsides.
View attachment 351714

Here is a close-up of one of them.
View attachment 351715

The waist demi-culverin drakes look nice, especially considering how small they are. The real challenge will be making the gun tackles as usual.
View attachment 351716

Here are the guns installed so far.
View attachment 351717

Progress so far
View attachment 351718

View attachment 351719

View attachment 351720
Kurt, I guess I didn't realize how tiny those guns actually are until I looked at one of them next to a penny. So what will you use for gun tackle rope? I wound up using sewing thread on my SR just to be able to get it through 3 mm blocks. Probably to thin according to scale.