HMS Sovereign of the Seas - Bashing DeAgostini Beyond Believable Boundaries

The Sagittarius panel is finished today. This one took a lot of work with bones, reposing a centaur model that started as a low poly model. I refined it into high poly count, added a skeleton, re-posed the torso, legs and limbs, added a tail that was missing, and applied it to a scratch built background plaque. The model was then made thin by rescaling its thickness to appear more like a base relief, even though it is actually a full 3-D model. The model has better proportions than what showd on the engraving with regard to the arms and bow.
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An angled view of the panel model
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Nice work on the centaur!
Work is in progress on the Aquarius panel. The boy figure was created using a generic human figure, hair was added, the figure was posed, and the water amphore was added. It took three days tio remove all the polygon errors in the figure before the skeleton would properly link to the figure and allow it to be posed. The hard part is over. The background decoration is next.


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Psychiatrists should give up Rorschach tests and start using this. In the close up, it looks like a sea dragon to me, but taking a step back and looking at the macro view, I'm not so sure. More two-dimensional than other sea monsters in other panels. Zoomed out, it looks more like the scroll-ish stuff bordering other panels. Do you have a zoomed-out view of Van de Velde?
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Psychiatrists should give up Rorschach tests and start using this. In the close up, it looks like a sea dragon to me, but taking a step back and looking at the macro view, I'm not so sure. More two-dimensional than other sea monsters in other panels. Zoomed out, it looks more like the scroll-ish stuff bordering other panels. Do you have a zoomed-out view of Van de Velde?
I've been wrangling with this icon for the past two days, doing exactly what you did, looking up close and from afar, and it still eludes me.
This is the medium resolution image. Like the panel above the gun on the right, the panel over the left gun could be a scrollwork like decoration over some other icon, since the decroation at the top of the panels of both guns appears similar. The panel above the gun on the right appears similar to a crab (Cancer?) with a scrollwork like decoration on top in the Van de Velde drawing, but there is no separate panel above that gun on the Payne engraving. Instead, the shield and arms panel to the left of that entends into the space above the gunport. Either the Payne engraving is incorrect as to how the ship was decorated or the decoration was altered prior to the Van de Velde drawing. It doesn't make sense for the Cancer Zodiac icon to be on the same row as the miltaria icons. The decoration arrangement on the Sovereign is quite consistent. All we can do as modelers is make a best guess. These guesses are not documented by modelers, or not documented fully by John McCay in his book, when they are incorporated into their models. As such, it is not possible for others to separate the assumed features from the documented ones. I have endeavored to state which features are my guesses in my build log here, but the list is not complete. Imagine how much easier building this model would be if Fulton or Sepping would have documented what features were guesses on their models!
I’m no authority on any of those sources, but the more I look at those drawings, the more it looks to me like the spears and swords extending across the entire panel, possibly overlaid with some sort of lightning bolt-looking thing, in VdV is the most consistent with the overall design. Payne almost looks to have created a reverse image of the left end of that panel.
The third source, from the Peter Pett presentation painting, shows the decoration above the gun port with a totally different icon. Not much help.

After staring at the source images for days, both close up and at a distance, I started to see a new pattern in the Payne a Van de Velde images, that of two scrolls with some unknown, peaked object in the center.

See if you can see the tops of the scrolls in the Payne engraving...
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An interesting aspect of the human mind is its ability and tendency to find recognizable patterns, even where they don't actually exist. I mention this only to make the point that it could be anything, and after all the staring, squinting and debate you could make it whatever you want it doesn't appear that anyone will be able to state that it's wrong.

I think what we have here is actually a case of the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, whereby the exact nature of your panel could be all possibilities simultaneously. Only when you open the box (on your 3D printer) will all the probability curves collapse and the true nature of your panel finally be revealed. There you go: Quantum shipbuilding. ROTF
Because of the nature of the sources images, and their effect in trying discern them, as pointed out by @Namabiiru, I was rethinking how the object above the gun port should somehow been in the same theme as other panels on the hull, and then, magically, the icon appeared to be shaped like the letter M to me. Seeing as how the M superimposed over the H appears elsewhere on the ship, being the initials of Henrietta Maria, Queen and wife of King Charles I, the first 3D scrolls object was abandoned and the H/M created in its place. Best guesses being what they are, it will do. Time to move on...

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Work on the quarterdeck columns featuring women's busts has started. The first one, located where the half deck meets the quarterdeck is done. I'm debating on whether to make same column to the rear of this one with a different bust or used the same 3-D model.
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What's wrong with you, man? You can't just blurt out "women's busts" like that to guys my age! ROTF