HMS Victory build - Mantua/Panart 738 by Daliab - [COMPLETED BUILD]

I don't like the mess, but absolutely love the Victory: starboard and portside!! If you have a chance Stem and stern, please!!!!
It is good to see, that it is not only in my workshop looking like....
Finally made, painted, and installed gun ports on both the port and starboard side of the Victory to include the stern.
Jimsky.... you asked for some bow and stern shots, so here you are. Next on the agenda is making and installing the rudder.
... and thank you to all those who have given me motivation to continue the build with all of the positive comments although suggestions are always appreciated.


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Finally made, painted, and installed gun ports on both the port and starboard side of the Victory to include the stern.
Jimsky.... you asked for some bow and stern shots, so here you are. Next on the agenda is making and installing the rudder.
... and thank you to all those who have given me the motivation to continue the build with all of the positive comments although suggestions are always appreciated.
I think you doing a great job on your Victory, and inspiration for many of us who follow and build such great history Ship. Don't stop and keep the pictures coming, they are great! Thumbs-Up
Thank you to all who made these positive comments. To answer SNOWY's question of putting sails on this....... yes. The Smuggler was my first build ever. I decided to put sails on her and made a total of 4 sets (trial and error reason for 4 sets) and finally ended up with one I liked. I had fun making the sails and think making sails on the Victory and adding the additional rigging will be a challenge that I'm looking forward to.
I have to make sails for kits as well, any tips or techniques to share from the 4 sets you have learned. On one of my kits in storage, it came with premade sails a local builders wife made and he sold them to me.
Well the Vic is sitting it out for a little while while I catch up making cannons and the blocks for each of the cannons.
I have found a very helpful You Tube video that has helped me with mating hooks on blocks for securing each of the cannons.
Metal hooks and strops for model ship building by Tom Lauria

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Moving from the bow to the quarter deck.
Still need to do the twin stairs to the quarter deck and finish the stern.
Rain is expected all weekend so hopefully I'll get to work on the lifeboats and hammock holders/netting.

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