HMS Victory Scale 1:150 (another construction project) [COMPLETED BUILD]

Hello again Now I have finally painted the bottom of the hull. It was not so easy to get a copper color that really looks like copper. But I can promise you that now the hull looks like a newly polished copper pan. The color is perfect (though not in the photo). Has today mounted and glued the bow rod and also "tied" through the floor without having to pick up any extra holes. Now I have a number of days ahead of me with a boring job to train all the "dead eyes" (I think it's 60 only in the first step) so it will probably take a week or so before I'm done.

The bowsprit is now in place

The color of the image will not be correct. It's really like an old copper pan.

The bottom is now painted with copper
Hello, have now been working for a long time with "Chanwales and Deadeyes" and now have the back ones left. Then I plan to attach the masts permanently and start by attaching the rig and planning for how to tie "ratlines" in the best way. I tested the size of the stern sail in relation to the boom and I will need to reduce the sail as the mast is not high enough even though I have a millimeter fit according to the drawing. Shit happens !!

brass links and nails are painted black
Hello, have now been working for a long time with "Chanwales and Deadeyes" and now have the back ones left. Then I plan to attach the masts permanently and start by attaching the rig and planning for how to tie "ratlines" in the best way. I tested the size of the stern sail in relation to the boom and I will need to reduce the sail as the mast is not high enough even though I have a millimeter fit according to the drawing. Shit happens !!

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brass links and nails are painted black
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Those dead eyes and rigging scare me- I’m dreading the day I get to that stage- cool build
Hello Grant and thanks for your comment. I can promise you I've been worried about "deadeyes and chainwales" for a long time. It started with the chainwales being too small so I had to make new ones for all places from leftovers from the kit. Deadeyes that came with the kit are 5 mm so I ordered new walnuts that were easier to assemble. But really, they are too big for the model. (but now it must be as it is). Today I have started the assembly against the masts and it has gone well. Unfortunately, I made all deadeyes ropes the same length as I did not realize that a number should be included in the rig between the masts etc. I have now started the next round of deadeyes which will continue up to the upper masts.

Hello Grant and thanks for your comment. I can promise you I've been worried about "deadeyes and chainwales" for a long time. It started with the chainwales being too small so I had to make new ones for all places from leftovers from the kit. Deadeyes that came with the kit are 5 mm so I ordered new walnuts that were easier to assemble. But really, they are too big for the model. (but now it must be as it is). Today I have started the assembly against the masts and it has gone well. Unfortunately, I made all deadeyes ropes the same length as I did not realize that a number should be included in the rig between the masts etc. I have now started the next round of deadeyes which will continue up to the upper masts.

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Hi Goran. this is looking great. How you manage with such small scale is beyond me. Well done. I am in the rugged mountains of Hogsback in SA on my off road bike and when get wifi I check in with SOS. I'm a long way off to the rigging stage of my Victory and so will watch your build with interest. Enjoy
Hi Grant
Hope your "off road" trip to the Rugged mountains was an experience. I looked on Google and could get an idea of where you were and what the mountains looked like. Unfortunately it is quite far to SA for a holiday, so it has to be half way to Gran Canaria. When it comes to my boat building, I sometimes think I have taken "water over my head". Just sitting and tying "ratlines" can drive anyone crazy. I look forward to mounting the Yard´s, supplementing with the rig and sail. For the moment I am done with "ratlines" for fore mast and main mast and have started with mizzen mast.

Hi Grant
Hope your "off road" trip to the Rugged mountains was an experience. I looked on Google and could get an idea of where you were and what the mountains looked like. Unfortunately it is quite far to SA for a holiday, so it has to be half way to Gran Canaria. When it comes to my boat building, I sometimes think I have taken "water over my head". Just sitting and tying "ratlines" can drive anyone crazy. I look forward to mounting the Yard´s, supplementing with the rig and sail. For the moment I am done with "ratlines" for fore mast and main mast and have started with mizzen mast.

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Good morning. That is looking good- I think rigging going to drive me nuts as well. Still I’m having fun(I think we all must be a little crazy to build little shipsROTF.) if you google Swartberg Mountains and Die Hell and Hogsback State Forest where the places we ride in. Rode all the way from Cape Town to The Village of Hogsback on Dirt Roads and Farmers tracks. Was sooo much fun. SA is far from everywhere but is a beautiful and interesting country.
Hi Grant. Thank you for your encouragement that we are a little crazy who spend so much time building small boats, but it is probably the little boy in us that continues where the bark boats left off. Anyway, you got me interested in South Africa, so I'm going to watch a TV series called "A Taste of South Africa with Gregg Wallace" But this post is about that today is the day when I intend to finish tying "the ratlines" the reason is clear from the picture (the season's first snow).


Tuesday, November 9, 2021 09:47 AM
Hello! A small and short status report from "the shipyard". I'm now done with "the ratlines" (com si com sa) and have rigged the Bowsprit as far as possible at the moment. Today I also hung the foremast yard with all the necessary blocks for the sequel. I have decided not to rig all the sails as the model is quite small and my hands are a bit shaky. (but we'll see). Upcoming procedures are quite time consuming so it will probably take a while before I leave the next reconciliation.



Hello! A small and short status report from "the shipyard". I'm now done with "the ratlines" (com si com sa) and have rigged the Bowsprit as far as possible at the moment. Today I also hung the foremast yard with all the necessary blocks for the sequel. I have decided not to rig all the sails as the model is quite small and my hands are a bit shaky. (but we'll see). Upcoming procedures are quite time consuming so it will probably take a while before I leave the next reconciliation.

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The Rigging.... it is what scares me the most and I’m still quite far away. Congratulations on getting your rat lines done. I wonder how many knots you have tied.;) Ship is looking great.
Hello again. It has now taken a little longer for this update. This is because it is more difficult to see the development of the rig and I have had a cold for three weeks. At least now I have started with Yard´s for the Main and Mizzenmast (see picture) There is a lot of work left to assemble blocks, footrope and paint, but I take one step at a time. I have made it a little harder for me because I have used "Mantua" drawings (scale 1:78) for what was possible to apply to my small boat (scale 1: 150). The rig will be almost compatible with Mantua. Bowsprit, mast`s and Yard´s have been inspired by Model Space "Build Lord Nelson´s HMS Victory" This is so far from my kit´s original drawing. I have recalculated measurements from Mantua (1:78) and Artisania (1:82) and translated these into my China kit (1: 150) bought for 18 US Dollars.

I wish everyone who has followed me during the year a really Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. I'll be back in 2022.


Victory_Pic_45.jpg Victory_Pic_46.jpg
A very happy and blessed Christmas to you and your family as well Goran. Your Victory is looking beautiful and you have made excellent progress.
Hello again. It has now taken a little longer for this update. This is because it is more difficult to see the development of the rig and I have had a cold for three weeks. At least now I have started with Yard´s for the Main and Mizzenmast (see picture) There is a lot of work left to assemble blocks, footrope and paint, but I take one step at a time. I have made it a little harder for me because I have used "Mantua" drawings (scale 1:78) for what was possible to apply to my small boat (scale 1: 150). The rig will be almost compatible with Mantua. Bowsprit, mast`s and Yard´s have been inspired by Model Space "Build Lord Nelson´s HMS Victory" This is so far from my kit´s original drawing. I have recalculated measurements from Mantua (1:78) and Artisania (1:82) and translated these into my China kit (1: 150) bought for 18 US Dollars.

I wish everyone who has followed me during the year a really Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. I'll be back in 2022.

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Looking good. Merry Christmas and enjoy
Very nice work. Certainly worth the $30 you paid! lol!

As to the Chinese instructions, Google Translate works pretty well for this. Just point your camera and read the English translation.
Hello friends and Happy New Year.
Thank you very much for all the encouragement, but now it's finished. I myself am very pleased with the result given the limited kit. Fortunately, you can find a lot on the Internet.
It has been fun to share the construction and get comments from many parts of the world.





This is the complete construction description that comes with the kit so there is not much text to translate from Chinese.
Victory plan 1_4.jpg
This is a small selection of what I have used to make my model look like a complete scale model.



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Congratulations for finishing this very special (and small) beauty - very well done Thumbsup
Now I'm done with the masts and have started thinking about what the rig should look like. I leave the master and Bowsprit without glue until the last minute. There are still some small crafts left around the bowsprit and all the "yard´s". I have copied "kit`s chainwales to a little stronger and intend to use" Mantua "rigging plan which also means a completely different sequence for" the Deadeyes "I am quite happy with the result as the kit is one of the simplest. I have not painted the bottom with copper yet, but it now stands as No. 1 in my project plan.

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Looks great! I gave 1/200 victory a shot when I first got into modeling.. it was complete garbage! But this looks like some great quality considering the spend.