Imperial yacht Uvalen by Falconet in 1:48 [COMPLETED BUILD]

Well, what can I say about the kit. First of all, it's a historically accurate and highly detailed reconstruction of a real imperial yacht, based on archive designs and the contemporary model from the S.-Petersburg Maritime museum. The prototype itself is quite simple, without complex rigging, it hasn't guns and neither boats. But it's certainly not a kit for beginners – it contains a lot of small pieces and requires some specific skills like soldering. If you choose the Standard version with resin details it will be easier, but anyway you cannot avoid soldering entirely. Nevertheless, as a result you get a nice model, an interesting and unusual example of the late Age of Sail. As for me, I'm rather satisfied with it. Now I'm waiting for the just ordered showcase to complete the work.
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@dockattner, @BenD, @Namabiiru, @Tobias, @GrantTyler - thanks a lot friends, I'm glad you like my model.

Well, now it's your turn :)
I think I need to get through a couple more builds before I return to Uvalen. However, I think I better get some paint on the hull soon. It's already masked and I don't know how the bare wood and tape will react to each other if I let them sit for too long.
It depends on the quality of the tape, but in my experience even the Tamiya after some years can stick firmly to the wood.
That's been my experience too. It's only been on there for a couple of months, but i don't want to take any chances. When I have the airbrush set up to paint the hull of PHANTOM in the hopefully near future I plan to paint UVALEN's hull at the same time.
I will add my voice to the great chor of SOS members about your model She is simple enough to be a great model!

Мои поздравлениая, коллега! Отличная работа, заслуживает награды за усердие и мастерски выполненную работу. Thumbsup Thumbsup Thumbsup
I will add my voice to the great chor of SOS members about your model She is simple enough to be a great model!

Мои поздравлениая, коллега! Отличная работа, заслуживает награды за усердие и мастерски выполненную работу. Thumbsup Thumbsup Thumbsup
Thank you! Спасибо, очень приятно!