Hello, I don't have the kit (or material to modify it) yet, but since it's confirmed, I'm preparing the thread. My plan is to do my interpretation of the initial SR using the heller kit by modifying it quite a bit. The modification are based on the multiple thread/document I found while doing research on the ship, both in english and in french. They include adding 2 canon on the stern post, windows on the stern facade (3 on each side with a space between as royal louis description from gallica), ornaments like fleurs de lys on the stern, beakhead bulkhead and lid, replacement of the figurehead by another corresponding with description of the time (will be done partly in milliput and bits from the kit sculpture reproduce in resin), enlarging the rear to fit the windows, opening the quarter galleries (keeping the heller one since it's fine for a initial SR too).
For the colors, I'm planning on doing the hull white as a whole with blue on the stern and forecastle (I intend to have the beakhead bulkhead in white and blue to have continuity with the hull colors, what do you think?). Black will be used for the waterline and the ornaments/sculpture will be a mix of ocre and gold using what Guy M said in his 104 pages document. I'll add touches of red too.
This one will take quite some time, I'm a slow builder but I still intend to ahve a (at least) decent result with this kit. When I'll got it, I'll do Hubac drawing approach (on paper) and use paint to schelatize my modification and colors.
Edit: I forgot to add thanks to everyone who answered my questions in other soleil royal related threads, the answers will help me do mine.