initial Soleil royal using the heller 1/100 scale kit (post prepared in advance)

I don't speak a word of French, but I took the time to translate this as best I could using a translator because it is such a great document. Thanks GuyM!
It took me a while to understand that "herpes" in French means "headrails" in English, not that particularly nasty venereal disease. . . :rolleyes:
That's great
@GuyM Can I share it on polish modelers forum?
Hi:))) It took me a while also to find the English word for that French word:)))))))) Maybe it is because I was too fixated on that medical term:))))
You'need to be careful when you get to the gun port because it is slightly curved and you'll need to separate the port molding from the sculpting around it; it would be better if you had an extra side to cut out a regular gun port molding which would be complet and straight...
If you need that, I might have two of my extras..
Hi:))) It took me a while also to find the English word for that French word:)))))))) Maybe it is because I was too fixated on that medical term:))))
You'need to be careful when you get to the gun port because it is slightly curved and you'll need to separate the port molding from the sculpting around it; it would be better if you had an extra side to cut out a regular gun port molding which would be complet and straight...
If you need that, I might have two of my extras..
Hi Guy

Yes I noticed that about the Gunport, I have cut out the side panels from one of the side galleries, I will worry about the actual finish of the gunport later as I will concentrate on the other side gallery then start painting the Architecture.
I may need to try and scratch something up to finish the gunport off as I say will worry about that later.
Thanks for the kind offer it's much appreciated I will let you know later if I maybe take you up on that offer.
Ok:) bt if you feel you need extra pieces just tell me and I'll send you the sections you need; for the gunports I can cut those out and mail them to you...
Why lion heads?:))
I only managed to finish one side through all that time because I kept looking for information on what that ship could have looked like in 1671; I ende up making a 105 page document onthe research...I had begun wit the idea of making a 10 page summary:)))
This is what one side looks like...The document is in French, if you can read French I'll send it to you....

View attachment 385845

View attachment 385846
Guy - your ship is looking amazing. I was not, initially, sold on the idea of Royal Louis-style white gunwales, but you have made a very convincing argument with your color palate. I also love the overall impression that the mid-battery ornamental badges make. As many have said before, your research has been completely eye-opening for me, and I continue to spread the word.
Great:) so the Soleil Royal will become ''just another ship'' without all the false mystique which has been built over the years....It won't remove its beautiful look though...
By the way, I have a question which maybe you can be of some help; I noticed that during the mid 1660's and very early 1670's that the main deck (upper deck) gunports were square and all had covers, where if you look at any French ship from 1680's and after they all were ''D'' shped at the top with no visible lids. I have a very hard time beieving that they were letting gail winds and rain come in without anything covering them.....I have a theory, but it's only that, so Ill let you give me your view on that:)
Great:) so the Soleil Royal will become ''just another ship'' without all the false mystique which has been built over the years....It won't remove its beautiful look though...
By the way, I have a question which maybe you can be of some help; I noticed that during the mid 1660's and very early 1670's that the main deck (upper deck) gunports were square and all had covers, where if you look at any French ship from 1680's and after they all were ''D'' shped at the top with no visible lids. I have a very hard time beieving that they were letting gail winds and rain come in without anything covering them.....I have a theory, but it's only that, so Ill let you give me your view on that:)
I want to give this some thought and dig into my picture archives before I respond. I’ll be back.
Guy I'm sorry that I became preoccupied and dropped the ball, here. My observation is that throughout the 1670s into the 1680s, French ships had square main deck ports, and the ports that were under cover of the forecastle, quarter deck, and poop had port lids - if drawings and portraiture are to be believed. Waist ports are left open to the elements.

The D-shape ports don't come into common usage until the late 1680s, so far as I can tell. For those ports to be covered, there would need to be split port lids that open in the vertical plane. I have not observed this in portraiture, and I don't really know what would have been the likely answer.
Guy I'm sorry that I became preoccupied and dropped the ball, here. My observation is that throughout the 1670s into the 1680s, French ships had square main deck ports, and the ports that were under cover of the forecastle, quarter deck, and poop had port lids - if drawings and portraiture are to be believed. Waist ports are left open to the elements.

The D-shape ports don't come into common usage until the late 1680s, so far as I can tell. For those ports to be covered, there would need to be split port lids that open in the vertical plane. I have not observed this in portraiture, and I don't really know what would have been the likely answer.
Hi: yes, it is what I noticed too; I believe though that those ''D'' shaped ports came as early as 1680, as the the ''Ambitieux, a design made by Pangialo for Tourville, which was not built, had the top battery as well as the few quarter deck openings round without lids. Knowing that the Ambitieux, as designed was to be a long 80 gun ship with 8 or 6 lbs at the top battery, round ports were presented, but maybe not the first ones. on the royal ships, the top row being 12 lbs, the ports would be a bit bigger and maybe rounded at the top and squared at the bottom.The purpose, I think, may have been their change in the strategy while confronting the opposing fleet. I have read in one of the English officerS journal, when he served on the Royal Sovereign during Trafalgar, that they knew the French crews would aim their rigging as a way to remove the ability to manoeuver and being able to go around to find the weaker places. But that's 130 years later..... That led me to think that the strategy of aiming at the rigging and masts may have been born at around the very late 1670's and since a 12 pounder leaning against the ship wall ready to fire could be aimed at a higher angle than straight, what about the recoil? Would it make the end of the cannon already aimed high hit the top of the port? and therefore the rounded top part would solve that problem? but then the lids couldn't be located right above, and there is very limited room for positioning them in other ways, or even inside........With the rebuilt Soleil Royal we find round portholes.......And I still can't bring myself to think that the ship's ports would be exposed to the elements of the weather......
My thoughts of the day:))))))
That sounds like a very reasonable and plausible theory to me Guy.
Hi; yes, but now I'm pondering on whether I will modify my ship:))))) I have a couple of avenues, but I need to look for certain things....And do the work without crapping up what I've done......
Hi; no....I think I'll square them out for lids and think of some form of decoration for the gap......And I will harmonize that deco with the rest of the decoration theme and design.... I thought initially when you said you wanted to reproduce the 1689 version that you would round out those ports; then conserve the old ones to put them in place of the quarterdeck ones, which is pretty much how the 1689 Soleil Royal was presented....Those symbols would have been on the quarterdeck also...
I considered doing that, yes, but I have always felt that these Crossed-L mongram badges were mis-cast on the quarterdeck level; as drawn, they’ve always seemed grossly out of proportion for that area, IMO. That is why I decided to prioritize and expand the frieze, instead.
I considered doing that, yes, but I have always felt that these Crossed-L mongram badges were mis-cast on the quarterdeck level; as drawn, they’ve always seemed grossly out of proportion for that area, IMO. That is why I decided to prioritize and expand the frieze, instead.
maybe it's because of the angle of the rear....In the straightened drawing, they seem to look ok....

soleil royal2 (2).jpg
Hello, I don't have the kit (or material to modify it) yet, but since it's confirmed, I'm preparing the thread. My plan is to do my interpretation of the initial SR using the heller kit by modifying it quite a bit. The modification are based on the multiple thread/document I found while doing research on the ship, both in english and in french. They include adding 2 canon on the stern post, windows on the stern facade (3 on each side with a space between as royal louis description from gallica), ornaments like fleurs de lys on the stern, beakhead bulkhead and lid, replacement of the figurehead by another corresponding with description of the time (will be done partly in milliput and bits from the kit sculpture reproduce in resin), enlarging the rear to fit the windows, opening the quarter galleries (keeping the heller one since it's fine for a initial SR too).

For the colors, I'm planning on doing the hull white as a whole with blue on the stern and forecastle (I intend to have the beakhead bulkhead in white and blue to have continuity with the hull colors, what do you think?). Black will be used for the waterline and the ornaments/sculpture will be a mix of ocre and gold using what Guy M said in his 104 pages document. I'll add touches of red too.
This one will take quite some time, I'm a slow builder but I still intend to ahve a (at least) decent result with this kit. When I'll got it, I'll do Hubac drawing approach (on paper) and use paint to schelatize my modification and colors.

Edit: I forgot to add thanks to everyone who answered my questions in other soleil royal related threads, the answers will help me do mine.
Hallo @aurélien wolff
we wish you all the BEST and a HAPPY BIRTHDAY