La Belle - Caf Model 1:48 by Thomas Marocke [COMPLETED BUILD]

Nice work.
I had a colleague who cut off part of his finger with the knife when slipping off the ruler. Therefore, I am very careful with scalpels and carpet knives.
Also a good way is to fit the ruler on your table with the brass between it. I use woodclamps and fit them tight. So I can hold the knife by 2 hands to cut. More control
you are making a beautiful model
and step by step your are finalizing her !?! May I ask, which works are still open?
Hi Uwe!

I aimed to build it as a shipyard model. One should see as much as possible of the construction. Therefore, only the starboard side is fully equipped. Now only the gunport lids are missing.
Afterwards, the "La Belle Poule" of "Sail and Sail Model" is waiting for its keel laying. The kit has been inspected many times and the wood is now deposited enough. He is in the heated room next to my workshop and jumps at me every time I walk by.

Best regards
The gunport lids are a headache for me. Contrary to Boudriot drawings, the gunport lids are not opened horizontally but upwards.

So is the execution according to Jean-Claude Lemineur, construction plan "La Volage" . The space in hight is divided into thirds.

Mondfeld and Bernard Frölich says the lids follow the course of the planks.

I follow Frölich with the plank course. Here is my favorite the dummy design.

Lid with planned interior design.

CAF offers hinges in photoetching . . .

. . . and also cast.

How the whole thing turns out I must still decide. Maybe I build the hinges myself.

Best regards
As I know, I would also follow the information by Frölich, that the outer plkanking is following the outside hull planking.
Especially in the areas, where f.e. the gunport lid is partly cut the wales - than this is making really sense
So I think, that you are on the correct way

One question, because it is not really visible at your photo: How did you make the nailing of the inner lid-planking? Are these real nails, or?
Hi Uwe!

The inner lid planks are included in the kit by CAF in laser cut form. Imitated nail diameter is 0,25 mm on the side visible here, and 0,2 mm on the back. Because I used very few nails on the model, this type of "nailing" (as well as on the anchor stock) is something special.

Best regards
So these are laser marks - not bad idea to produce such a regular fine pattern
After I absolutely wanted to have movable gunport lids, it went now further to the production.:rolleyes:

Most of the components for the three gunport lids. Many individual parts are needed.

The hinges are already soft soldered and have to be finished. In place of the soldered sleeves, you can also bend the strip around a wire at the top.

Right: The first clean hinge stripes with hinge joints on a lid.

So "slowly" it becomes something.

Have a nice weekend