Late comer HMS Alert 1777 by Glennb17

So, I took my break with the capstan project. It's a scratch build of a 1:24 scale capstan circa 1776. I think it turned out well.
Most is made from boxwood while the combing and bars are pear. Making a ten-sided column with every other facet recessed using wedges cut on a tilt arbor saw was tough. Also, milling the combing with my super cheap mill (toy) and applying really small treenails, and finally soldering together eye bolts and then eyebolts to super tiny chain were the main challenges. Custom fitting each cheek was pretty tough too. But it was fun. Plans from Toni Levine in 1:16 scale.
Had foot surgery which kept me out of the shop for a few weeks. I'm back now though.
After cutting away the model from the berth, I sanded, filed, and occasionally Dremeled my way to a final fit using the lines from the template.
I have to tell you, I looked at the pieces and the instructions for the cap rails and despaired. It just didn't make any sense at all. Not enough pictures and the instructions contain English words, but aren't actually English as far as I can tell. So I sat on this for a while, part of the reason I did another project (that I had already started a while back).
I also noticed that the frames on the starboard side rise above the decking less than the port side for much of midship. I don't know where that error crept in. I have never had good luck with guides for the decking from a jig. In this case on side didn't fit into the hooks well. Sometimes I think it would be better to use a buildng board and to measure from the plans. I have applied all manner of small scrap pieces to the tops of the effected timbers and will sand to shape and length.