Hi Brian,
Wow, it's good to see another build of this kit. I started my build about a year ago, but had to take several breaks from it to work on other projects for my business.
I opted to paint my model based on photos I found of another Xebec I found on the internet. I just finished rigging 10 cannons on one side of the model since I'm leaving the other side open framed. I've also completed the construction of the masts so I'll be following your build very closely on the rigging.
I have to say, you've done a great job and I know I'll find your photos very useful when I begin rigging my model. I've really enjoyed building this kit although I couldn't resist doing some kitbashing by substituting my own milled wood for the deck and hull planking.
Another POF kit I've been working on is one I bought on eBay, a POF of the Mayflower. It's coming along nicely but again, lots of breaks to work on business projects.
Thanks much for your build log. The Xebec is such a unique model and the ZHL kit is a great representation of the ship.
Take care,
Bob Hunt