Le Requin Xebec ZHL plank on frame kit.

you can use linen thread or polyester. They both have their pluses and minuses. Alexey Domanoff uses polyester as do most of the Russian ship modellers. But it unravels when you cut it so you need to dab the end with super glue. The advantage of polyester is theres no fuzz on the rope and it has a slight sheen and looks like its been waxed.

The linen thread sold has some fuzz on the rope and you need to remove it. Also I have found the colours are limited compared to polyester if you are sourcing it yourself. Otherwise you need to dye it.
Another aspect to thread making. Polyesther material is fine and has its advantages / disadvantages - as everything. For my liking it is a bit too stiff. It is also a bit flexible. After my misfortune with my self-built ropewalk (see in another thread) I also bought the Prosak from Domanoff although I did not use it yet as I did not need any rope for SoS at this stage. My intention is to use it with my bobbin, swivel and counterweight.
Brian if you would need longer than 2-3 m ropes the device can obviously be installed in a stairway if you live in a multi-level house. But the shorter length is usually enough for our purposes.
Just beautiful Brian, that is some tackle block, the details in these kits are amazing, I'm really enjoying mine,

best regards John.
Well Brian

I hope I get an invite to check out the build personally again

I have seen Brian's build many times now.

It is a great build of a superb kit.

Excellent work Brian
G'day Brian
Just had the chance to look in at the progress of your impressive build. WOW is a word that comes to my mind at the rigging etc.
Just absolutely brilliant mate.
Where did you get that vertical rope walker? The quality of the ropes are amazing!
havagooday my friend
Hi Greg, thank you.
The vertical ropewalk was purchased from Domanoff workshop a few years ago, but I have just ordered his latest planetary 3.1 ropewalk machine and I am expecting it in the mail any day soon.
Hi Brian,

Wow, it's good to see another build of this kit. I started my build about a year ago, but had to take several breaks from it to work on other projects for my business.

I opted to paint my model based on photos I found of another Xebec I found on the internet. I just finished rigging 10 cannons on one side of the model since I'm leaving the other side open framed. I've also completed the construction of the masts so I'll be following your build very closely on the rigging.

I have to say, you've done a great job and I know I'll find your photos very useful when I begin rigging my model. I've really enjoyed building this kit although I couldn't resist doing some kitbashing by substituting my own milled wood for the deck and hull planking.

Another POF kit I've been working on is one I bought on eBay, a POF of the Mayflower. It's coming along nicely but again, lots of breaks to work on business projects.

Thanks much for your build log. The Xebec is such a unique model and the ZHL kit is a great representation of the ship.

Take care,

Bob Hunt
G'day Brian
Exquisite work!
No words wouldn't do you justice mate!
All I can say is that you and the kit are both examples of top notched expertise for beyond the general norm.
Well done mate
thank you gentlemen, your comments are kind.

Getting back into my build the last few days and I need to say that after building 19 kits over the last 30 years including Euromodel, Billings, Corel, Artisania Latina and Amati and Modellers central, this kit is far and away the best quality kit I have had the privilege to build.

Anyway, a few photos of my latest update.

The anchor stock assembly I scratch built with solid ebony wood I had in my workshop which I got from my friend Neptune a few years ago.
Hi Brian,
Very fine craftmanship on an outstanding ship model. Your rigging is looking good, those are very nice blocks for the yard lifts.
G'day Brian
Again, just brilliant.
Did you say 19 ships over 30 years? I've only done 7 over about 21 years. Most of my kits were Australians and they were on pare or slightly better than most of the other well known brands.
:bow-yellow: :character-jaws:
But what I have seen from your log and the log of Neptune and the Black Pearls logs, these kits or far more superior than anything else.
I can't wait till we move so I can get my fingers on the RC. My wife orders.
:angry-cussingblack: :angry-banghead:
havagooday and happymodeling