Le Soleil Royal ZHL Build Log [COMPLETED BUILD]

It was a French store but I cannot remember which one. I bought quite many wood strips in order to find a color that was not too far out
Happy Thanksgiving! I know I have much to be thankful for: family, friends, faith, fun with my ships. Put together the guitar with my grandson on Monday. It sounded pretty good, even though we could only use four strings. They sent us two wrong tuning keys. Took it apart and used boiled linseed oil on the neck. It’s slicker than snot. Then sanded the heck out of the body. I don’t think he’s ever sanded anything before. His arm is pretty sore today. Anyway, have a blessed day, y’all!
If I haven't said it before I'll repeat it now. Man you are fast at building!
I'm like a snail comparably ;).
The ship looks great, can't wait to see the finished product.
This ship looks like it's for "experience" builders ... which I have a ways to go before I get there.
Interesting color, I'm a fan of not painting wood but that's just a personal choice.
Could be since I've never done it ( lol, only on my second build) I'm afraid of messing it up.

Anyway, keep on buildin :)
If I haven't said it before I'll repeat it now. Man you are fast at building!
I'm like a snail comparably ;).
The ship looks great, can't wait to see the finished product.
This ship looks like it's for "experience" builders ... which I have a ways to go before I get there.
Interesting color, I'm a fan of not painting wood but that's just a personal choice.
Could be since I've never done it ( lol, only on my second build) I'm afraid of messing it up.

Anyway, keep on buildin :)
Thanks, Rowboat! I’ve slowed down a bit this past week or so. Back acting up and working on guitar. I’m also waiting on parts. I’m hoping Max sends me some sticks for wales. If not, maybe I can substitute mahogany for sapele. You really have to premeasure everything in advance and try to visualize before putting things together. And I’m no experienced builder. I’m just trying (most of the time unsuccessfully) to be patient and follow directions and other builds until it looks okay. Keep working on your BP. It’s a great kit to experiment on and get some experience. You’ll be proud of it.
I’ve discovered a huge gap between the first and second levels of the balconies. I used all the correct pieces and they fit in the right holes. But the space is too big for the ornaments. View attachment 272133
I had the same problem.... knew it was too large a gap from the beginning. Surprised you didn't catch that. I'll send a pict shortly of how I am doing it.