Line drawings

There seem to be a lot of cheap copies of "The 50-Gun Ship: A Complete History, Rif Winfield,Roger Lightfoot" on ebay at the moment - there are several sellers. I just picked one up for $5.00 including local postage.. I don't know anything about the book but the description below looks promising.

By the end of the sailing era, the 50-gun ship had come to be regarded as a hybrid - too small to stand in the line of battle, but lacking the speed and handiness of the frigate - so was often dismissed as a naval architectural dinosaur left over from an earlier age. This prejudiced view has gone unchallenged in modern naval history, but this new book reveals the crucial role of the 50-gun ship in the development of both the battleship and the frigate, and explains the enduring role which ensured the survival of the type into the nineteenth century. True to the intentions of the ShipShape series, it is the first extended study of a type which is both technically interesting and historically undervalued. Charting its origins in the pre-Commonwealth 'frigates', the author follows the development of the type in the eighteenth century and its gradual transition from battlefleet to heavy cruiser role, highlighting its revival for the special conditions of colonial warfare during the American Revolution. Thereafter, they were employed as peacetime flagships for distant stations, but achieved a final glory leading small craft in anti-invasion operations during the Napoleonic War. Features include: an in-depth text, based on the latest research in original sources, covering the complete history of the 50-gun ship; numerous tables of technical data covering dimensions, construction, armament and details; comprehensive collection of illustrations including original draughts, models and contemporary paintings and drawings; a selection of specially commissioned perspective and cutaway drawings by John McKay; a separate set of large scale plans for modelmakers; these and the cutaway depict the Leopard of 1790, famous in history for her assault on USS Chesapeake and as well known in fiction as the 'horrible old Leopard' of Patrick O'Brian's Aubrey novels.

My $5 (delivery included) copy of 'THE 50 GUN SHIP' arrived today. A large format paperback In very good condition bearing a red £2.00 sticker and complete with a large sheet of drawings in a pocket attached to the back cover, The plans and the book contain enough structural info to build almost any kind of model POF, POB, etc when taken together with the cutaway drawings of all decks inside, There is also info on standing rigging, but not a lot of detail on running rigging. I am delighted, considering the high cost of most books on this very specialised topic.