Shrouds and ratlines done; all fixed rigging done. This coming week I’ll work on the running rigging. Last sheet of plans; end of the project in sight.
Had a minor scare earlier today. I attached the anchors to some cord and, using a clamp, had hung them up for the glue on the knots to dry. About an hour later I looked up where the anchors were hanging and one was missing. After searching the work table, floor area and even the waste paper basket (which is on the other side of the work table from where the anchors were) I had about given up and was planning a trip to my local modeling shop to see if I could get a replacement. As I was putting the ship back onto the work table from where I had put it during the search I looked down at the mizzen top – there was the anchor neat as could be. I apparently hit the clamp at some point while threading rigging and that was enough for the cord to slip out of the clamp’s jaws.

s are secured safe awaiting installation later this week.
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