It can be added that during the voyage the flags were lowered, because they quickly fell into disrepair, and the price was high.Well, the flagpole shaft was removed. Flags were raised when meeting another ship . Flags were also raised in ports and on special occasions, and, of course, in such an image on the model is quite acceptable.
It can be added that during the voyage the flags were lowered, because they quickly fell into disrepair, and the price was high.Well, the flagpole shaft was removed. Flags were raised when meeting another ship . Flags were also raised in ports and on special occasions, and, of course, in such an image on the model is quite acceptable.
I agree with Mr Deep. Even today -at least when I was in the-NAVY- we had a minor flag on the bow and a bigger one aft. those were taken away when we went out of port. Flag the set on the mainmast.

I agree with Mr Deep. Even today -at least when I was in the-NAVY- we had a minor flag on the bow and a bigger one aft. those were taken away when we went out of port. Flag the set on the mainmast.
Dziękuje za miłe państwo i cieszę się, że będziesz ze mną przy la bell poule
Pozdrawiam Mirek
I will come back in Polish generally and then some over the private line. I am just recovering from a very hard attack of Omicron. has now recovered about 75% after 3 months. Short memory is now even worse than it was before, smell and taste have changed too. everything I try- I mien try - has the taste of oxidase ironHeavy problem going out and down of stairs.
Wrócę ogólnie po polsku a potem trochę przez linię prywatną. Właśnie dochodzę do siebie po bardzo mocnym ataku Omicron. teraz wyzdrowiała o około 75% po 3 miesiącach. Krótka pamięć jest teraz jeszcze gorsza niż wcześniej, zmienił się też zapach i smak. wszystko, czego próbuję - ja próbuję - ma smak żelaza oksydazowego. Ciężkie problemy ze schodzeniem ze schodów.
Witaj drogi przyjacielu
Bardzo się cieszę że powoli wracasz do zdrowia bardzo nam Ciebie brakowało.
Pozdrawiam Mirek