My World has Collapsed

I just don't see what the point to my life is now

I’ve had that feeling twice now, once in 1990 and again early in 2024. Both times I thought about bringing my life to an end. Obviously, both times I survived. It’s grief, my friend, only grief. It’s a bunch of emotions that we use to deal with loss. Normal, natural and horrible.

I promise you that it will pass. Just march through each day with courage and sooner or later, you’ll find yourself smiling at a puppy or a sunset without also wanting to cry.
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Good wishes ftom Romania , Rob
In time of crisis a step back is needed for clearing the mind and see the future path.And the bigger picture.
Help a lot to spend time with friends and family and people who can lift the spirit a bit.
I send you a melody to help a bit
Glad to hear from you, Rob.

I'm 69 now; have been through this 3 times, the last time was 12 years ago.
So here I am, on my own 12 years later and never been so happy!

I came to realise my life isn't defined by someone else's approval and consent for living.
I'm comforted by being able to strike up a happy conversation with just about anyone.
There are those few you'll never hit it off with, not everyone will like you, but that's how it is.

If you can get through each day without causing harm to anyone or anything and have the sense to walk away from events you are uncomfortable with....that's a prerequisite base-line for a good life.
Being kind to others has reciprocal rewards.

You'll find EVERYONE has some sort agenda
By now you will be finding your agenda is to take each step knowing more about yourself and loving what you are. Embrace the changes that come your way.
A realsation that not everything is YOUR fault and being honest with yourself and others will refresh your conscience.

An old guy once told me, ''nothing falls out of the sky except aeroplane's and bird shit!''.
How true that is.....unless you have the real misfortune to be surviving in the Middle East or Ukraine.
But you are fortunate not to be there.

If you can love yourself without being selfish and self absorbed, you're onto one of the simple treasures life has to offer.

Sharing your feelings, including with your pals on this forum is a good thing.
Your grief reminds me of my own experience, perversely giving me the joy to look back down a long road, to find whatever problems there were, they are well beyond my present horizons.
Somewhere down your own road you WILL find yourself and contentment.

Keep us posted; I look forward to your updates.
We'll probably never meet but I see you as a friend.
Rob, Working only 30 minutes on a ship model at a time is a good thing!! When you go to sleep at night, you will have a feeling of accomplishment. You will also realize that this is something that YOU did and that no one can take away from you. It’s a small part of taking control of your life. Keep working at it.

The previous post about getting control of your finances is also excellent advice. In addition to being necessary for your financial security, it is an important step of taking control of your life.

Human beings are endowed with robust coping skills. As time passes, your’s will kick in and enable you to continue to lead a satisfying life.

The encouragement offered here is the "backdrop" of what I intended this form to be. Behind the model are people who have needs, wants, desires, healing, brokenness of all sorts, and problems. Other forums might discourage this, but as the founder, I encourage the strength we can give each other during trails and tribulations.
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding, and He will make your path straight." And I am not throwing that out there as I have had to trust and rely on this myself in difficult times and situations when I felt like there was no direction.

Discussing spiritual issues can be awkward and seem out of place especially here and I get that.
The encouragement offered here is the "backdrop" of what I intended this form to be. Behind the model are people who have needs, wants, desires, healing, brokenness of all sorts, and problems. Other forums might discourage this, but as the founder, I encourage the strength we can give each other during trails and tribulations.
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding, and He will make your path straight." And I am not throwing that out there as I have had to trust and rely on this myself in difficult times and situations when I felt like there was no direction.

Discussing spiritual issues can be awkward and seem out of place especially here and I get that.

It’s doing wonders for my mental health Donnie. Waking up to some notifications is a good way to start my days. You are succeeding with your intentions, my friend. Thank you.
Hi Everyone

I am overwhelmed by all your comforting heartfelt comments and can't thank you all enough for them.
I am just now beginning to cope and adjust very slowly after a 2months doctors line, antidepressants and counselling not to mention losing a job.
As for the relationship nothing has changed and probably won't as there has still been no contact or reasons why this happened or could have been talked through and avoided.

I am only now doing small bits and pieces regards to my ship building sometimes atm I can only maybe work on it for 30mins or so then the impetus goes but I do feel the hunger coming bk albeit slowly. I now start a new job as well in a week or so.
Small steps just now but getting there, and more mentally stronger than I was.

Thank you again Everyone for your heartfelt words I really appreciate them all.

Hi Rob

It is great to hear from you again, and even better to know you are making progress in recovering from your adversity.

The return to modeling and to talking on this forum are both good indicators of progress and improvements for you.

Please keep us all updated on your wellbeing and your models, some pictures would be great.

Good luck with the new job, and tell us how it goes too.

Hi Everyone

I am overwhelmed by all your comforting heartfelt comments and can't thank you all enough for them.
I am just now beginning to cope and adjust very slowly after a 2months doctors line, antidepressants and counselling not to mention losing a job.
As for the relationship nothing has changed and probably won't as there has still been no contact or reasons why this happened or could have been talked through and avoided.

I am only now doing small bits and pieces regards to my ship building sometimes atm I can only maybe work on it for 30mins or so then the impetus goes but I do feel the hunger coming bk albeit slowly. I now start a new job as well in a week or so.
Small steps just now but getting there, and more mentally stronger than I was.

Thank you again Everyone for your heartfelt words I really appreciate them all.

Good to hear from you. Hang in there
Thanks for the update Rob....I have been thinking of you and glad to know you are progressing. Congrats on the new job as well. Is it in a new field or same field? New job means new faces, new friends, etc. which can be a good thing.

Sounds like you are doing well. Real recovery is always slow and comes in "baby steps" as shortcuts and quick fixes never work. You are going to be all right.

Please keep us posted.
"I'm really sorry to hear about what you're going through. Even though we don't know each other, I can imagine that this is a very difficult time. If you need a listening ear or just want to take your mind off things, feel free to reach out. Sometimes talking to someone from the outside can help see things from a different perspective. Thanks to the moderators of this wonderful forum for making this possible."
"Please excuse my English, it's not very good."
"I'm really sorry to hear about what you're going through. Even though we don't know each other, I can imagine that this is a very difficult time. If you need a listening ear or just want to take your mind off things, feel free to reach out. Sometimes talking to someone from the outside can help see things from a different perspective. Thanks to the moderators of this wonderful forum for making this possible."