I haven't quite figured out how to insert images at a reasonable size in this build log so forgive the very LARGE pics in this post. I've noticed how some build logs have pics that you can click on and it takes you to a gallery where, if you want, you can enlarge them yourself. I love that format but don't know how to do it. Any tips on how that is done would be appreciated.
So, on to the masts and yards:
Occre's instructions come with large sheets of paper that have diagrams of the masts/yards in 1:1 scale. I don't know what I would have done if I hadn't had those to use as guides. I just laid the dowels on top of the diagrams and in that way I could sand and scale to the exact shapes and sizes for each piece. Next staining, waiting to dry, then sealing, waiting to dry. And here they are ready for assembly.
I read a few posts on the forums here about how to attach the yards to the masts and wisely chose to listen to the experienced builders suggestions of joining them together by inserting a pin before gluing. I'm so glad I did because, later, as I started the rigging, I kept bumping and knocking into the yards which caused the glue to come loose. But because they were attached with pins they held in place very well in spite of my dorky clumsiness.

Oh, yeah, and those little pulleys (don't know the technical name for them...please tell me if you do) need to have a drop of glue applied to the ropes to hold them in place. I wanted to make sure they weren't going to move so I pushed on each one while still wet to make sure they stayed put. Here's the result of that:
Took me ~15 mins of rubbing lotion 'round and 'round my thumb and finger til I could get them apart.
And here are the masts in place. I was concentrating so heavily on the crow's nests, etc., that I forgot to take any pics during the process.
Next up was the rat lines. I was so excited. For some reason I was really looking forward to this part. I don't know why because after I had finished the first section (there are 10 total) I was kind of exhausted. Only 9 more to go. Ha!!! It was at this point that I decided to take the plunge and subscribe to Spotify. I knew I was going to need some company during this process.
And here are the results:

When I started the tangled web of rigging I *totally* gave up on taking pics. My head was spinning in circles trying to figure out how to do it. The YouTube videos fall soooo short on detail. Most especially for a beginner like me. And the paper instructions are not much better. But after much biting of nails and gnawing of teeth I've finally gotten to this point:
And that's where things stand at this point in time. I was hoping that, as time went on, the crooked top of the main mast wouldn't show so much but it looks worse than when I initially glued it on all wonky-like. It's too hard to fix it now so I'm hoping that the sails will hide it. I keep muttering under my breath, "Next build I won't let this happen again". And, hopefully, that will be true.
Here's a diagram that I'm going to be referring to as I move on to the sails. I'm such a noob at this that I need all the help I can get. Especially diagrams that are designed for 1st Graders. Yup, right up my alley.
Soooo, until next time, happy building, everyone. And I highly recommend Spotify to get you through the hours and hours and hours and hours and hours and hoursssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss of work ahead of you!
Take care for now!