Some more work on the "Beast"
I have spend a lot of time on this model not only building but also thinking what to do, how to do and when to do it...
It has been some fun, mainly trying to find the best sequence to be followed. There is a lot of things that must be done before another lot of things can be started

what drives to some more things and the supplied instruction are useless.
But it is fun, so no complains...
I noticed that one of the gunports was out of alignement, but it is corrected now.
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(Forgot to take a picture after the correction, so believe my word)
Small details, but I think this hobby is mainly about small details.
I can't start planking the hull, because I need to have access to the inside of the lower row of gunports to add the support for the half guns supplied. But to do that I need to have the bow prepared so that I can plank the lower row and that planking end at the false keel at the bow. So the bow needs to be taken care off.
I prefer to fill the bow and stern with balsa. Like that I have a good surface to glue the planks to and I have a good idea how the planks must be curved. Balsa is ok for this, the rest of the hull will be (eventually) filled with blue foam since the curves have much larger radius.
Things that must be done before another things, see?
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Prettier, after a lot of sanding.
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But I can't fill the rest of the hull with foam and balsa yet... because I need to have access to the interior of the gunports... So maybe latter...
Better deal with those damn gunports.
But before dealing with the LOWER row of gunports I need to deal with the UPPER row. These are already planked and the gunports are already opened, besides, finishing them allows me to glue the supports for the half guns, that needed to be painted in black.
Each side of the upper rows has 6 false guns (or half guns) and five full guns, with carriage and all). Problem: Before gluing the back cover of the holes, I want to drill the holes to support the support


) of the guns, that is the little wire at the end of the guns.
Another problem: I want all the guns to be aligned at the same height in each gunport. To do so, I need to know at what height and angle of the full cannons in order to... you know. Remember what I said about small details?
At the same time I need to deal with the gunport frames, because only after gluing them in place can I place the covers of the false guns gunports (the ones that are going to be painted in black and drilled with the right angle and height... Did I mention my headaches??
These frames are not indicated in the instructions, but as anything else is indicated in the instructions i didn´t care very much. But they are shown in the photos of the complete model and even if they weren't (here comes the small details - or not so small ones) I'd represent them because, for what I have seen in your models, that they must exist in a ship of that era.
Well, thinking again, each gunport has 4 frames, times 11 gunports times 4 rows of gunports, if my math is correct I have to deal with 176 small pieces of wood. I'd better forget it, but I am stubborn, so carry on...
In conclusion, I had to build (and measure) a cannon so that I can... you know...
The cannons are not very bad, all considered, and so aren't the carriages. Except for that small piece that is the wedge that is placed below the gun to adjust it in height (sorry, I am not very good with english nautical terms. For me it is a wedge with a small piece to hold it in it (again I don't know the name).
They wanted me to cut those wedges out of tha damn filth koto wood, the one that is soft and makes no sawdust.
Out came some proper wood that I sawed to measure and cut the raw wedges that were than sanded to shape.
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I lost one or two to the carpet monster (I suppose that there is also a carpet monster in this hobby, it is very commom in the plastic modeller's houses).
Not bad when in place.
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Made the rest of them for the upper deck carriages
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and built the rest of the carriages.
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Now, for the small holds on the wedges. Occre only supplies them for the upper deck guns and the pieces suppliedis not that good, so I decided to make some myself for the first row of cannons since they remain at sight.
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Here are the tools needed to make a 0.9mm piece... Some times I doubt my mental sanity, but at my age, there is no remedy now...
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Well, that important part completed, better deal with those 176 frames. Next step.
Being serious now, I think that I can manage to get a passable model out of this kit. To be honest sometimes I doubted it.