planking the Matthew

This is an extremely valuable posting and well stated with the photos demanding serious consideration for the model builder (myself and the options that I consider but may not yer decide). Thanks for the time for SoS.. Rich (PT-2)

thank you
thank you
My old brain is now overloaded with all of this information and seems to have done an automatic dump to recall most of it but it is very informative for those looking for such information in selection of their desired species. Finding the source though seems to be a challenge in itself. As I posted earlier, thank you for your continuing service to SoS with this type of information. Rich (PT-2)
This is great Dave, and all of the reading I have done about this subject, you really bring it to life and now I know how it is done. Fantastic tutorial - a true learning experience.
Dave thanks very much. I will have to read the article a few times to fully understand. But I can understand the basics after the first time through. Answered many of my guestions. Your point of practicing to get it right is good advice. The time you spent to wright this articles and show the detailed pictures is greatly appreciated. Brian B
You write like we are all beginners. This is good because your essay is valuable to anyone who reads it. Thanks.
Very happy to see this article. I have always loved the Matthew.
Dave, is there any way to order the Willow planking boards from the Lumberyard?
It would be very helpful in my building the Matthew.
I had ordered the frame set a while back when it seemed that the build would be active with the MSB group.
Please advise, if you can
Tim Murphy
Very happy to see this article. I have always loved the Matthew.
Dave, is there any way to order the Willow planking boards from the Lumberyard?
It would be very helpful in my building the Matthew.
I had ordered the frame set a while back when it seemed that the build would be active with the MSB group.
Please advise, if you can
Tim Murphy
'i will have to take a look in the barn to see if i have any of the Willow