Wednesday, July 3rd, 2019
For more than ten days I have not provided any information on this project. In this message I try to show the results of the work I carried out in these days, work that was quite huge but with the flaw of being scarcely visible.
In practice, a lot of many very small details where the time needed to implement them was generally high, but with a practically insignificant visibility.
Apart from some details at the bow and midship area, which are also shown in the first detailed images, my work focused particularly at stern, where I started to apply the planned decorations.
01 Ragusian Carrack/02072019/IMG_20190702_175810.jpg
02 Ragusian Carrack/02072019/IMG_20190702_175502.jpg
Here are highlighted the scuppers for the main deck, on the ship bulwarks. But, to consider them really finished I still have to proceed to drill the bulwark itself.
03 Ragusian Carrack/02072019/IMG_20190702_175509.jpg
Most of the details are concentrated in the stern, here we see a portion of the gunwale of the top poop deck seen from one side and, in figure 05, from above.
04 Ragusian Carrack/02072019/IMG_20190702_175518.jpg
05 Ragusian Carrack/02072019/IMG_20190702_175525.jpg
The next images show part of the stern decorations, obtained with household means painted with coats of primer and gold polyurethane paint.
06 Ragusian Carrack/02072019/IMG_20190702_175546.jpg
07 Ragusian Carrack/02072019/IMG_20190702_175612.jpg
08 Ragusian Carrack/02072019/IMG_20190702_175644_BURST001_COVER.jpg
09 Ragusian Carrack/02072019/IMG_20190702_175627.jpg
The next tasks will still be concentrated on the other poop decorations that are still missing. For these elements the matter becomes more complex and we will talk about it in the next message when I'll finish this task.
Sincerely, Jack Aubrey.