A beautiful classic yacht - she is looking great 
Congratulations for this built

Congratulations for this built
Thanks. I appreciate your stopping by my build logA beautiful classic yacht - she is looking great
Congratulations for this built
I tried to follow the instructions which indicated a tapered look. While this may be more historically accurate if I had it to do again I would have done what you are planning as well. Hope this helps.Also building the Rainbow - Have gotten to the decking and was going to go with straight planks parallel to the centerline and a very outer plank curved to give a clean edge - do you think this would work? - Any reason you went with the curved decking? My 1st model and trying to minimize the complexity
This way of planking is seen in a lot of classic yachts. The planks meet in the middle in the King Plank, see sketch below. It gives your model a fantastic look to do it that way as it emphasizes the shape of the hull.I tried to follow the instructions which indicated a tapered look. While this may be more historically accurate if I had it to do again I would have done what you are planning as well. Hope this helps.
I did not have this problem. I did test fit the tubing prior to installing the eyelets. The eyelets worked for me. If they are close perhaps a little lubricant such as WD40 might help. The other the idea would be to go to a hobby store like Hobby Lobby and get a smaller tube size that will work with your eyelets. Your ship is looking good!!Barry 1 - I am putting on the railing and finding the copper colored tube to be too large to fit in the eyelets of the eyebolts - did you have a similar issue?