I'll be following your blog with interest. I'm also working on the MS Rattlesnake. Here's the link if you wanna take a peek:
Hello JosephH, You have chosen a very interesting little ship to build and it should give you hours of enjoyment building her. Many years ago they built a replica of the Rattlesnake in our town of Sutton ,Ont. and sailed her to Florida. It was I believe a 1/2 scale and the builder said he wished that he had gone to the full size, but by then it was to late to change it. I am sure you will have fun with this build as she is a very nice looking little ship, ENJOY.
Regards Lawrence
well vacations over today is my last day. still have some honeydo's to finish but back to work tomorrow (work wed-sat 12 hr days) so this weekend i should finish my honey does and get a chance to get to the build.

During breaks was working on my Bonhomme Richard drawings but today messed around with my rattlesnake drawings during a short break

So I got all the flats sections done the next parts start curving inwards more which is the bevelled areas this part goes from frame 9 to frame I I have the outer part perfect now need to get the inner parts fixed. The problem is with back to school I am putting in 15 and 16 hrs a day so until sunday when my 3 day weekends start its just a few mins after work while I relax before bed to work on it.

sorry guys had to finish my honey-do's from being gone all summer I am getting ready to get back to the build. as for my drawings up i goofed up got the wrong dimensions etc made it way too big so just converted it to a generic 32 gun ship. spending couple hours a day faring things up but I got all the flats done just trying to fare things up